- when they get jealous -

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                              > Requested by: SomeAnimeFreak <

- when he sees someone else talking to you and making you blush for just a moment too long, he turns into Mr. Steal Your Girl
- walks up to you looking sad and crying
- triggers your emotions
- tells you that he needs hugs and kisses to feel better
- well who wouldn't want to hug and kiss edd
- leaves the person hanging as they look in confusion at edd and you hug and kiss
- in front of them lolololo

- Matt doesn't get just jealous, he gets jealous beyond human limits
- he will start getting red in the face when he sees you texting someone else and not him
- a plan forms
- pretends he's sick and now you have to take care of him
- lol plan fail
- mission abort I said miSSON ABORT
- after getting chased down, he explains he just wanted you to pay attention to him because he's jealous
- how did you fall in love with this man
- oh right, because he's Matt

- sees you talking to someone //Tord cough//
- picks you up bridal style
- kisses you deeply in front of everyone
- you question your life choices
- when you ask why, he simply says: "I don't like you talking to them."
- ok whatever yandere tom take away Tord I didn't want him anyways!!1!1!1

- gets aggravated beyond extreme
- punches pillows and walls
- cries himself to sleep
- just want a cuddle from you
- after your done talking with ( cough tOM ) you go check on Norwegian
- well apparently he's now puffy cheeked and red from crying
- " Tord you idiot, I wasn't leaving you for Tom . "
- you kiss him and cuddle him while he sniffles because he's sniffles

- quietly but finally not stutteringly asks //person// to leave and stop talking to you.
- person refuses and starts bullying Jon
- o hell no not on ( y/n ) watch
- straight up uppercut person with an anime glare
- Jon quietly prays for mercy but you kiss him on the head
- he kisses you back because now he's not a jealous roll

- profusely glaring at person
- person gets uncomfortable, makes excuse, and leaves
- while sweating profusely as the eyes of a bear watch it through it's eyebrows
- you go up to Paul
- " Paul what did you d- "
- cuts you off with a rough kiss
- well now you'll never know cause you're now making out on the couch

- patiently waits for you to stop speaking to the person
- asks you to follow him to your room
- in his sweetest voice, he asks you not to talk to that person while he is in the vicinity for longer than ten minutes
- " ( y/n ), I got jealous, and I'm sorry. But would you do this for me? "
- " of course, Chicken Wing Bangs "
- oh he's gonna get you back for that

( leave me requests! )

( no seriously please I like writing these but I need ideas and you guys are my idea makers )

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