- when you hide something from them -

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I am b a c k //


- literally goes to any length to find what you're hiding
- don't test his will
- even if you hide a cola can, he will tear down the house to look for it
- " ( yyy/nNNNN )-!! WHERES THE C O L A "
- oh firetrucks
- ru n


- confused
- " ( y/nn ) , wheres mirrors . . ? "
- " uh, don't know, Matt dear ! "
- suddenly tackles you
- " where. is. mr. mirror. "
- don't resist,
- it'll be much better


- suddenly becomes very rude
- " get away from me. "
- " don't even think about touching me. "
- jeez he is salty
- will not speak to you or touch you or anything until you return whatever you hid.
- once you give it back, he'll be nice
- " ah, that's a good ( y/n ). "

- gets very moody
- " ( y/n ), where. is. booboo. bear. "
- " I don't know what you're talking abou- wait booboo bear? "
- " yes booboo bear now where is he "
- you didn't hide the bear so
- tord is being an idiot
- " you idiot you lost it "

- make it look like he doesn't care
- " psh, I don't care. "
- he cares.
- will act like this till you find the item.
- immediately begins thanking you, hugging, kissing.
- " pau you are an ass "


- slams you down on the bed,
- but gently
- just incase
- " ( y/n ), where did you put all the hairbrushes. "
- " you were the last to use them, Patty Cake. "
- suddenly tickles you beyond human limits
- " tell me. "
- wowowoowow pat


- literally will guilt trip you
- acts like a kicked puppy
- " jon stop "
- " ( y-y/n ),, I can't find my p-paper crown ! "
- you have been tripped
- once you give it back, jonno kisses your nose
- " th-thank you !! "

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