i~New Beginnings~i

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off and the smell of cinnamon pancakes filling the air. 'Mhmm my favorite,' I thought to myself as the smell drew me out of bed. Today was a big day for me. I finally got accepted into Cambridge Heights, a school in London that I eagerly wanted to attend for their arts and fashion program. I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom before my sister Rebecca could go in and hog it for an hour. I did my morning routine of skin care and brushing my teeth and hair. I looked in the mirror and caught myself just smiling. I haven't seen myself like this in a while. My moment was rudely interrupted by a cranky fifteen-year-old that went by the name of Rebecca Welsh, aka my little sister. 

"Do you mind not taking an eternity in there? Unlike you, some people have to go to school today!" She yelled so that she could be heard, loud and clear.

"Maybe you should think about that the next time you spend an hour and a half in the shower." I snarled back exiting the bathroom and making my way downstairs.

To my surprise, the table was set with all of my favorite breakfast foods. 

"Awe  Dad, you shouldn't have," I say putting a hand over my heart.

"What type of parent would I be if I didn' t give you the best breakfast ever before going on that long plane ride." He said ruffing up my hair slightly.

"After all plane food isn't much of a delicacy," he said chuckling to himself as he went over to the fridge for orange juice.

He put the juice on the island and picked up the daily paper. We lived in a small town so any news that was there, you knew already or heard from somebody. My dad skimmed the paper until he stopped at something that the mayor had stated in a meeting yesterday night.

"He's an idiot to think that completely tearing down older parts of town to create high rise tech savvy buildings is gonna draw more people in. If you aren't from this town you don't want to be. Plain and simple." He stated with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't see why you have such a big problem with them dad. All he is doing is trying to bring life into the community." I say reading over the paper seeing nothing wrong with it. Dad has always had this deep down discontent with the Adams for as long as I could remember. He says it was something that happened before I was born but would never tell me what exactly. So it is still left a mystery. All I was told is that I should never trust them.

To my surprise, Becca didn't take long to come downstairs and sit at one of the bar stools at the island. I sat next to her as my dad arranged food onto two plates. Becca turned to me and her eyes were glossed over. Her rage from this morning subsided and she set in the reality of what was going to happen. I was leaving to live across the world to go to school for a year. Granted I was only turning seventeen, I am pretty mature for my age, or at least that is what I was told.

"I'm gonna miss you Ri, there will be no one here for me to torment and steal clothes from now," she said laughing a little trying to lighten the mood.

"Your mom would be proud of you Ingrid," my dad chimed in.

 My mom. Katerina Welsh. She died in a car accident a little over a year ago. She used to work for a company based in New York that helped sell publicity with fashion and new trends. She was just as crazy about this as I was, if not more. Ever since I was little, I dreamt of making bags like Kate Spade, or outrageous pieces like Gucci has in the past. Now it was my time to show her what I am capable of. 

 We finished up breakfast and reminisced for a while. I got some of my bags while my dad got the rest. We made it to West County airport and I got my plane ticket. 'Verona, Minnesota to London, England. Wow' I thought to myself examining the ticket. My dad, sister, and I say our last goodbyes before I put my bags on the conveyor belt and head for the terminal.

I board the plane and make my way to the window seat I so desperately attempted to get. I sit down and put the blind up to look out onto the pavement.

'Here we go' I thought as the plane took off.

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