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Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update. I had to think about how I wanted this to go. Plus I have been busy with school and working out. I am sorry about the late update again. I hope you enjoy!




Several days has passed and the new pack house has been made. I walked out of the Blood Pack. I smiled as I held my head up high. I knew that training will be starting in a few days once they get settled. My pack will be strong but they will be themselves. I will not let them think that it is okay to be rude to each other. If there are rogues then we will either kill or question them. I will not let anything come to harm my pack.

Making my way to the new pack house I called all of pack together to welcome them to their new home. They gathered around in the fields. I smiled at them as I stood up on a rock that way they can hear me. I cleared my throat and they went silent looking up at me. "Today is the day we can finally have a pack of our own. I would like to welcome everyone to the White Blood Pack!" Everyone cheered. I raised my hand and they went quiet. "Now I would like to introduce to you those who have been chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. First up is Beta Josh. He will be there in charge when I am not around or when I am with my Mate Felix." Josh comes up to stand next to the rock. He places a hand over his heart and bows to me. "Next up is Warrior Jason." Jason walks up and does the same thing. "Warrior Mary." She walks up standing tall then bows to me. "Last one is Doctor Grace." Everyone cheered as all of them bow to me. They have their ranks on their shoulders showing that the Moon Goddess has chosen them.

"This pack has been made by the Moon Goddess. I am the Mother of all Omegas. I will help guide you and lead up to true strengths. One by one the Moon Goddess will tell you what your rank is in this pack. There will be no slaves or Omegas. We will always be Omegas but we will have the strongest pack because we will be allied with the Blood Pack." They all cheered. I look at the Warriors and said, "Today training will start that way you can train others later on. You will be trained by the other Warriors in the other pack." I look at my beta. "Same goes with you. You will be trained by Alpha Felix's Beta. And for the Doctor, you will be under his wing until you are ready to be on your own." They all nod and bow again. I then send them over to the other pack to do their training's. I look at the rest of the pack with a smile on my face. "For the rest of you, go find a room and decorate as you wish."

They scattered and ran to the pack house in an order fashion. I get off the rock as I felt a presence in my mind. I opened the link between me and Felix. 'Hey sweetie, some of your pack members came over.'

'Yeah they are over there for training.'

'Ah okay. So how did everything go?'

'Everything went well. They love the place. But I think it needs some color. Like some flowers or just some paint to the place. I am not sure.'

'I can have someone go over there tomorrow to help with decorations if you want.'

'I would like that.' I close the mind link when I hear the Moon Goddess voice.



'Your Delta is John. Your trackers are Brad, Jacob, Shyanna, Stephanie, Maya, Nicholas and Katie. Your Guards are Brian, Joseph, Elisabeth, Ali, Martha and Seth.'

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