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May 15, 2013 

“Thank you, Mr. Tomlinson. Someone should be with you shortly.” The blonde haired lady behind the desk says, shooting a smile my way. After about ten minutes of watching people walk in and out of the small lobby, I hear a nurse call my name into the blue walled, non-crowded, small waiting room. It’s not unusual; I am always doing something in a doctor’s office, it’s like my second home. I push myself off the seat, putting my new phone into my pocket. I smile at the young nurse as I walk in front of her before she walks by, after receiving a forced smile; visiting these places like I do you begin to notice the difference. I follow the brunette nurse into a typical looking check-up room. She gestures into the room, saying "the doctor will be in shortly" in an annoying, high pitched voice. I nod and smile, and when she walks out my face drops easily. I take out my phone again and questioning why I didn’t just keep it in my hand then quickly putting my left purple earbud in (don’t ask I took them from Lottie). When I choose my playlist (Awk Turtle (with the turtle emoji because I am that cool)) and the music starts to play, I close my eyes and lean back, letting myself get lost in the lyrics. As usual, the images in my head are the ones showing the life I want, the one I should have gotten. I have always wanted this to be true but I now know why it can’t, why I can’t run around, playing football, can’t swim and jump rope. I hum to Habbits, Lego House, Kiss Me and others, after a while this man with gelled back, light brown hair while wearing a long, white doctor's jacket walks in. "Hello Lewis. Welcome to Melody Meadows Clinic." He looks familiar for some reason.

"It's pronounced Lou-ee," I say, watching the man look at my sheets. It is a new doctor and I hate how they automatically assume I have cancer. Like hello! If I had cancer don’t you think I would have died years ago? Let’s see.

 “Okay, well. Hi Louis I'm Dr. Payne." He extends his hand, his face wearing a smile and I reach my own out and give it a friendly shake.

 "Are you Liam's dad?" I ask, looking at the picture of a younger Liam on the desk. I realized that I have never met him before.

 Dr. Payne nods. "Yes, he’s told me you've been sick a lot lately and told me that he suggested you come here to see me. So tell me how you feel about the medicine your doctor last prescribed."

 "Well I don't feel like it has helped much and I don't feel any different." I say watching Dr. Payne write this on his paper. The rest of the appointment passes quickly, concluding with Dr. Payne telling me I'm sick. Really big surprise (note the sarcasm), and as I walk back to my flat I lose all my  energy again.

“I wish Mum would buy me a shitty car so I don’t have to walk this every appointment.” I curse when I was forced to stop to regain my engergy. When I walk into the house, I'm almost attacked by Daisy and Phoebe. The twins grab onto my legs, squealing. I smile down at the two blonde haired girls.

 "Louis!" They scream in unison.

  "Hi Dais! Hi Phebs!" I say, happily. I wish that my life had been different so that I could have done more for these two, they're only ten for fucks sake. In a couple years Ernest will have to protect them without my help and I want to help, but alas I can't because you know there isn't much longer.

 "Girls!" Mum’s voice floats in from the kitchen, probably making dinner, considering that it's probably around dinner time. "Remember, you can't do that to your brother!"

"I love you two," I say before bending down and messing up their hair. Daisy squeals and runs away and Phoebe laughs along then runs to follow her twin. After removing my beaten Vans from my feet, I walk into the kitchen while laughing at my two youngest sisters. "Hello Mum," I walk over to give her a kiss on her cheek. The aroma of pasta fills my nose and I almost moan at the smell.

 "Hi, Boobear." Mum continues stirring the pasta that is in the boiling water.

 "It smells so good but I think I'm going to just head to bed. I'm really tired, I’m sorry but save me some, yeah?"

"Okay goodnight, Lou. It’ll be in your container, so you know. And I'll get the girls to come say good night to you before they eat." Mum says, walking over to get the plates set up. I thank her and give her another kiss.

“Wait, Mum. Where are Doris and Ernest?”

“They had practice today remember?” She says placing nine sets on the large table. The two get to do everything I want to do, and I told them they had to do it for me. So now, when they win I get to go on the field and celebrate with them

When I get to my room down the hall, I strip down so I'm in only my boxers and climb into my bed. 

As I'm waiting for the thought of sleep to overwhelm my brain and pull me into its dark and dreamless land, I think about the hell called school. So I close my eyes and wait for the bright light of the morning to blind me and make me go to a school where no one talks to me besides my group, which includes Ernest, Doris, Zayn, Perrie, Liam, Niall and Luke. The twins are the most loving and obnoxious people I've met, Zayn and Perrie are both quiet and Liam is the one that protects me as much as possible. E and D are the best and they are willingly helping me, or maybe it’s just mum making them but I don’t care. I couldn't ask for a better group of people.

"'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do,
And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do,
It's been so long, it's been so long, maybe you are fireproof,
'Cause nobody saves me, baby, the way you do.

I think I'm gonna win this time,
Riding on the wind and I won't give up,
I think I'm gonna win this time,
I roll and I roll, 'til I change my luck, yeah,
I roll and I roll, 'til I change my luck," A beautiful raspy voice sings, my head resting on their chest and I sigh in contempt.

"Thank you lovely, I love it when you sing to me." I whisper. I take the soft sand into my hand and watch it slip through my fingers, just like my lif- I shake my head at the thought.

"Heart beats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands
Touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

 If we could only have this life
For one more day
If we could only turn back time"  I sing back, it's his favorite song by Ed Sheeran. The ground starts shaking and I cry out. Jolting awake, I notice a nice thick layer of sweat covers my body. It's three o'clock in the morning and I groan, I fall back onto my bed. After a while I go up to Ernest's room, being mindful of his equipment all over the floor.

"Ernnie," I whisper.

"Lou, why are you up here?" his voice is laced with sleep.

"I can't sleep, E, I had the nightmare again."

"Oh, okay," he pushes the blanket and carries me back to my room, and lays with me. "Is this better, Lou?" I nod against his chest, slowly falling back into the dream state.

(Decided I didn't like how it was before and added some minor details)

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