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Ernest and Doris come and hangout with Lou before they leave for their game. Typically you have to stay and practice before the game but the Coach knows Louis is the biggest fan and he knows the two of three are the best players he has.

Its not to long now and today, I am laying with louis in his bed. When there is a knock at the the door, causing me to look up and see Marcel standing at the door way. I smile when he gives a slight nod, his way of asking to enter. "How has he been doing?" he asks, sitting next to me on the bed and looking at the fragile boy that's on the left side of my body. I look over to him also, his face placed softly on my chest, his long brown hair going everywhere in a cute and adorable way. The only thing that really saddens me is that he hasn't been eating as much. They've tried chemo to see if there was anything it could do and it didn't work. Shaking that though, I look down and realize that I can't see his face. I can't believe that he's going to die so soon.

"As good as he can be, Marc." I look up at my twin and see that he has my drawing book in his hand. "why do you have that?"

"I brought it thinking you could draw him a picture. Also, I know how hard it is on you but I think something is going to happen I hope, for you at least." Marcel smiles, moving some of my curls from my eyes in a caring gesture. "Don't let him go, as you sang in your song, H, he's tired of feeling alone." When I raise an eyebrow he said, "we've talked multiple times and he told me without you there's no point of being awake when he can have you in his dreams." Tears build up in my eyes and I sob into my brothers side. "Shh, H, shh." I can't.

I can't nor will I.


I drift off to sleep, after asking niall and luke to bring marcel home, after they came over to hang out with Ernest. Of course they said yes, but I told them I would but I need to be here for my baby right now.

Its now currently noon on a Saturday and Louis has yet to wake up. I am drawing in my sketch book. Louis fidgets a little then there is a small cat like yawn coming from the boy. I place my book on the bedside table and move over to help him sit up.

"Good morning, love," I say smiling. He shakes his head, trying to move some hair and holds his head between his knees; meaning, it's a bad day. "Okay, tea?" He nods carefully, I get up and lift him into my arms, bringing the boy into the kitchen with me. "Lou?" I say, nervousness creeping throughout my body. He looks up, his typical clear blue eyes have a darker tint because of this shitty day. "I love you." Louis smiles, and signs I love you too and I smile. "Wanna spend the whole day watching Disney movies? I could invite the boys if you want." Louis shakes his head, grabbing his perfectly made cup of tea as I hand it to him then reaching out my hand and smiles at how quickly he takes it. "Snow White first?"

Let's just say, 15 Disney movies later, we're asleep on the couch with Monsters Inc. playing.

"Harry," Louis croaks, which sounds like "arry", looking up to me. "I cant, I'm sorry." My face falls, he can't mean this, he can't. I cry because even though I've only known this boy for two months, I feel like I'm losing my best friend. Louis reaches up to wipe the tears that have fallen. "I love you," he says through shaky breaths.

"Love you too, Lou, to the moon and back." I kiss his forehand and smile. he falls back asleep and I grab my book and start drawing him again because I need to capture his beauty.


don't hate me but I think the next is the last...

oh yeah, all of harry's pov's will be italicised and louis's will be regular 😘😘

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