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Normally waking to an empty bed, I wouldn't have paid any mind but Harry stayed the night. Pushing the heavy comforter from my body, I make my way to the bathroom and do what I need then wash my face and brushing my teeth. After deciding that I wasn't going to mess with my hair, I walk in the kitchen and see Harry and Mum making something on the stove. Ernest and Doris are sitting in their normal spots, Ernie on my left and D on my right. "G'morning," I say groggily.

"Morning, boo. Are you hungry? Harry is making pancakes." Mum says, I shake my head, yes (I mean who wouldn't? This kid should be on Hell's Kitchen (he would probably win, so)) and sit on my chair in between my brother and sister. Mum says turning to face Harry. "I can't believe that you can make any kind of pancakes."

"Lou didn't tell you? He works at a bakery like ten minutes from here." Ernest says, causing Mum to look at me. "I will not let you hurt Lou, not while I'm around."

Blushing at Ernest's statement, I whisper a small "thank you." Harry moves so that he's next to me and Doris. I lean against him while placing my lips onto his. There's the sound of a camera clicking and I see Mum with Harry's phone. "Muuuuum," I whine.

"Shush it's cute," she says, thrusting the phone into my face. I have to admit it is. "Innit?"

"It is. I like it." Doris says while looking over Mum's shoulder, her hair falling over the phone screen.

"Yes but please don't send it to everyone." I say, giving her this look.

"We have to capture every moment so that I have something of you in the future." Harry says looking down at the floor. "I want this time to be captured." My family members that are here nod in agreement.

I sigh in realization, knowing that I would not win in an argument against my boyfriend. "I'm going to miss you, Harry. Can you by any chance send it to me?" I smile knowing exactly where I am going to put it. He nods as I lean in and kiss him again. "Harry, I have to tell you something. Guess what it is!"

"Um, lilac?" Haz says smirking, oh Harold and his colour guesses.

"Yes actually," I say looking at him, seeing that he has an amused expression, "just kidding. Anyway, you are going to deal with me all day" A smirk plastered on my face.

"I'm okay with that, Lou. Just think, you'd also have to deal with me also."

"Ah shit," I say, causing my siblings to laugh. "I didn't think about that."  Now Mum is laughing too.

"Louis!" He gasps.

"Save it for the bedroom, love." I start laughing which causes the boy to laugh.


Two weeks later

I've gotten worse, or so they say.

"Look this American dude looks pretty cute." Harry says, clicking on his YouTube video. (Video is up on the side) Jesse Kinch - rising star, quarter finals: seven nation army.

"And his voice is different then what i expected." i respond. My health has dropped so Harry's Mum agreed to let him stay here and help me while my Mum is at work. "Thank you."

"For what, boo?" Harry turns to me, pulling me onto his lap.

"Being there for me." I sigh. Not really wanting to tell him what the doctors said. I feel Harry's thumb rub against my cheek, I didn't even feel the tear escape my eye.

"I always lived with just the three boys and everyone completely despised me." I say, wiping the rest of the tears that fall.

"It’s okay, l, i'm here. I’m here. Don’t cry baby, please." Harry, swipes the tears and I just sob into his button up.

Sleepy l.s auWhere stories live. Discover now