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Tom's POV

I woke up in a infirmary bed. It sucked. I got up and walked around, some how I ended up near Tord's office. I walked in and found Tord asleep on his desk. I smiled, he was so peaceful.

I walked next to him and poked his cheek. He groaned and fliped his head over, so I poked him again. He opened his eye and smiled. He sat up and pulled me on to his lap. I blushed.

"T-tord!" I said as he nuzzled me in the crook of my neck.

Tord chuckled and said, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I kissed him on his forehead.

After a while of me sitting on Tord's lap and him doing some paperwork, Paul and Patrick walked through the door.

"Red leader we have some- Oh, um, hi Thomas." Patrick said.

"Just call me Tom." I waved. 

"We have what?" Tord asked.

"We got some new communicators, there pretty cool." Paul said.

Patrick walked over and gave me and Tord a thing that looked like a watch. He explained that they already had our numbers in it. In my contacts i had Tord, Paul, and Patrick. Tord clicked my name and a calling symble came up. I clicked it and Tord came up. We were just baseicly face timing on a watch, but I thought it was the fucking shit.

"Woah, cool!"  I said.

Tord smiled at me. "Great! Now I can see your face when ever I want."

"Lame." I said hugging him.

Patrick and Paul just stood there awkwardly.

"When did you two get so lovey-dovey?" Paul asked.

Tord and I shrugged.

"Anyways, Tom, we ned to borrow you for the day." Paul said pulling me of Tord.

"Why?" I asked.

"In order for you to stay, you have to do some work." Paul said dragging me out of the room.

Tord got up and slapped Paul's hand of of me. He hugged me as if I was going to get taken away forever.

"He doesn't have to do anything." Tord  growled.

"Pat take Tom and fill him in on what he's doing." Paul said glaring at Tord.

Paul yanked me out of Tord's arms and before Tord could help me, Patrick threw me over his shoulder and ran out the door.

The last thing I heard out of that room was Tord yelling, "What the fuck Paul!"

Patrick put me down out side the library. I personally felt like a rag doll.

"Listen, since your smaller than most soldiers you get the easy stuff, like checking up on prisoners, feeding the animals, and going out side the base shoping." Pat explained.


I pulled out the map and started to walk off.

"Oh and Tom," Pat started, "take it easy, okay?"

I smiled and nodded. I walked of to do my first two chores, checking up on prisoners and feeding the animals.

*Time skip*

I finished feeding the animals and called Patrick on the communicator.

"Hello? Oh Tom, you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering what to get from the shop out side the base?"

"I'll send you a list."



"Before you leave the base, call Tord. Paul said he was freaking out for some reason."

"Will do."

I closed out Patrick and called Tord. I didn't even have to wait 2 seconds.

"Tom! What did they make you do? Paul messed with my communicator so I couldn't call you."

"Calm down, I just did some chores, no big deal. I only have one left." I said with a smile.

"What's left?" Tord asked.

"Go shopping out side the base, Patrick sent me a list."


"I'm going to get going. See you." I winked.

"Be careful, call me if somethings wrong."

The call ended and I walked to town.

*Time skip*

I got everything, bullets, canned dog and cat food, and Paul's cigarettes and Tord's cigars.

Mental note: convince Tord to stop smoking.

I began walking back to the base, when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I flinched and spun around to see Brian smiling.

"Jesus Brian, I thought someone was trying to kill me."

"What, I would never. Why are you here and not in London?" He asked with his smile fading.

"Uh, I-i'm just visiting."

I pressed the call Tord button.

"I went to go see you but you weren't there. I looked all over for you." A chaotic smile replaced the kind one.

I backed up a little but his hand stayed firmly on my shoulder.

"Thomas, what's wrong? Don't you want me to wisk you away and give you a better life?" He asked, smile growing.

I swated away his hand and ran.

"TOM! Who was that?!" Tord asked worriedly.

"That was the guy I met in Russia, he was a lot nicer and not creepy back there!"

"Hold on, I'm coming to get you."

I kept running towards the base, until Brian caught up to me. He grabbed me and put me into a choker hold.

"Don't run away Thomas. It's your destiny."

"TOM!" Tord shouted from the communicator.

"Who is this? Ah, Red leader." Brian said looking at Tord.

"Blue, get your filthy hands of him." Tord said in a sturn voice.

"Nah. He's mine now." Brian said putting a cloth over my nose and mouth.

Brian removed my communicator, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it, braking it.

I couldn't breath and was blacking out.

Brian whispered into my ear, "You can be my Juliet because your gonna end up dead."

He licked my cheek. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. The world blackened around me until....

I was gone.

(Well..... shit happend.)

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