Chapter One

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Hello everyone! I am writing a new story and would love to know your feedback. Here is chapter one. The story is still developing, but I wanted to know what you guys think about the concept before I continue on. If you like it please leave a comment to let me know. if you don't like it or have any suggestions, leave a comment as well. The more feedback the better! Story title will possibly change later! I hope you enjoy the first chapter! Hopefully you guys will like it enough for more to come!

Chapter One

A man was placed behind me with a firm grip upon my neck leaving me in a compromising position. Blood was trickling down my face, but I couldn't tell if it was my own or from my opponent. I have never taken the time to appreciate the beauty of nature and what it had to offer, but now that I was clearly facing the sky, looking at it was something quite extraordinary. In this very minute, time seems to run very slow. Being on the verge of death, or merely the thought of it, can cause that reaction. My head was being pulled back and a dagger was held to my throat, but strangely a sense of calmness washed over me in this situation.

I was being forced to submit while the man chuckled lightly in the background at my weakness. I had no fight left in me, my body felt weak, and judging by his even breaths, it would be foolish to even try. I pondered for a moment, what I could possibly do to get out of this situation, but I came up empty handed and fell limp in defeat.

"Why do you make this so easy, Sirus?" the man pushed me upright and withdrew his hands from around my neck, taking the sharpened dagger away with it.

My hands instantly shot up to ease the tenderness as I glare in his direction. My brother and I were constantly on a power struggle. We are always training to see who is stronger than the other. It's usually a pretty even match, but today he was just better. I will get him next time, though. I always do.

I turned to walk away and he jogged to catch up with me with a smile on his face, "oh come on man, I was only joking." Look at his smug face. Older brothers always think they are better.

"Jonas, you cheated. I clearly was beating you and you had to go and ruin it with your stupid tricks."


I started sputtering and coughing from whatever offending substance was in my glass at the time. I have no clue what it was, but the men at the bar around me were laughing and chugging a drink along with me. That memory, though. That was something else entirely.

"That a boy Sirus. Take a shot ah that...grow some hair on yer ches'," a Scottish man named Douglas slid a tiny glass over my way and encouraged me to drink it with a swift movement of his hand to his lips.

I did as he said, although, I figured out quickly that it was not the best idea. Again, I started to choke on the drink that tasted like gasoline and death. He started chuckling along with the other men and slapped me hard on the back a couple times before settling down.

"Yer brother would've been proud ah yah..." Douglas said lowly enough to catch only my ear. "He was a tough lad, yer brother. Real he was made outta iron."

"Proud of what?" I snapped. "I haven't done anything since he's been gone. I've been moping, that's what I've done," I took another drink. Mainly because I didn't really want to talk anymore, but Douglas insisted on it.

"Yer always broodin', ar'nt ya? Yer never gonna get a lady frien' like that my boy," the sound of his laugh filled the room and overpowered whatever music was playing in the background. I stared at him for a second before realizing his banter wasn't even worth entertaining tonight.

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