Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Ari's POV:

Phil was interesting for the most part. When Sirus and my brother left for the kitchen, I was left with the strange person who just so happened to be very touchy feely. Let me tell you, when you can't see, and someone constantly pokes and prods you, it's a very strange thing.

He turned out to be a very nice guy, though, and when my brother brought my breakfast over to me and put the fork in my hand, Phil insisted on getting me a drink. When I said he didn't have to get me anything, he replied "nonsense, you need a drink to wash your brother's shitty cooking down."

I laughed and the next thing I heard him say was shouted from what was probably the kitchen. "You want orange" I heard him rummaging through the contents of the fridge and I just tugged on Sirus' shirt and whispered quietly to him that I just wanted a water.

"Phil, just a water man," he shouted back at the waiting boy in the kitchen. I heard Phil snicker in the background and shook my head. I am not too fond of shouting across the room, especially because I am not too aware of my surroundings. The last thing I want to do is shout in a place where it is supposed to be quiet, or where random people can see me. No one wants to be that weird blind kid. Not that I am a cool blind kid, but whatever.

"Ari is a reserved person," I heard Jaxon's voice say to no one in particular. The others laughed and Sirus nudged me with his shoulder. "That, and he hates coffee with a passion."

Sirus then picked up my hand and wrapped my fingers around a cold water bottle, as I felt the other side of the couch dip from Phil's weight. I took a sip and felt around to set the bottle down on the table placed directly in front of me. Phil was muttering about how I was too good to talk to him and needed to use Sirus as a communicator, but I knew he was only joking. If not, his sensitivity level was definitely whacked out.

"Thank you for the water Phil," I said quietly.

"You're welcome little Ari," he said as I felt a poke on my nose. Oh my gosh.

After a while, Jaxon was rambling on about something for work and Phil was humming along to the conversation and interrupting every other word like the ADHD kid he was. Nothing wrong with it. His attitude was definitely refreshing, just a little unpredictable. Sirus just sat beside me as I silently ate my breakfast.

I reached out to pick the water bottle up again for a sip, but ended up knocking it over to the floor. Without giving me a second to breathe or make a move for the bottle, Phil lunged over me and made the biggest commotion of all, probably diving for the bottle that hit the floor with a loud crunch of plastic.

"Here little Ari," he said as he shoved the bottle into my hands. I took it with a small smile in thanks, and opened it to take a sip. Phil's weight again made the couch dip and creak, but this time it seemed like he got up instead as the space beside me seemed empty.

"Alright guys, it was nice chillin' with you. Ari, it was a pleasure to meet you especially, but I must depart," he shouted.

"Why are you leaving?" I asked, sad that he had to go. I was just starting to get used to him. That, and it was nice to have yet another person around to talk to no matter how weird he is.

"Work calls, little Ari. I'm sorry, but I will be back for you."

I smiled at that. He was such a nice guy, and he did make me laugh and smile a lot with all of his jokes and his weird antics. I don't know, he was a bit crazy, but I have never met a person quite like him. I liked all of my brother's friends. They were all odd and friendly and they certainly made me feel normal.

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