Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Sirus' POV:

We were laying in my bed so peacefully. The room was quiet. I had shut the TV off so I can pay attention to him because something about the boy was so intriguing. He was curled up in a ball with his head on my pillow, and I could not stop staring at him. Yes, I told him I am gay. I have no clue why I did that, but I did. He didn't seem to mind, but I am pretty sure that was solely due to his upbringing; or lack of that is.

I don't know what urged me to do so, but I ended up asking him if he liked guys. I figured if my sexually was laid out on the table for him, I might as well ask if he had any interest in men to see if whatever this was had any sort of potential. When he claimed that he did not know who he was attracted to, I knew that there was some sort of chance that our friendship could be something more. I wasn't sure if I wanted to take it that far, but the option was there. He was a good looking guy with soft features and a smile and sense of humor that made him hard to hate. When he made the joke about not knowing when he was attracted to someone, it made me interested in him ten times more. Something about the way he finds humor in such a negative aspect of his life...I don't know. I liked it.

I remained silent as I contemplated his face. His lack of sight gave me more chances to steal a glance or keep staring for all I cared. I was so close to him that I was sure he could feel my breath on his face, but he did not pull away or flinch once at my nearness. His head remained on my pillow with his eyes closed and a small lazy smile crept onto his lips. His features looked boyish, but boy did he look cute. I wanted to reach out and grab his hand, so I did. Only, I brought his hand up to my face and cupped his palm on my cheek instead.

"I know this may be weird...but I saw this in a movie once. You can get a sense of what someone looks like by feeling their facial features. Just try...if you want."

The action in itself was strange, but I just really wanted to be close to him, and I wanted him to have some semblance of what I looked like even if he can't actually see me. His face looked shocked, and I thought he was going to pull his hand back until I heard a soft whisper of "Okay."

His hand lingered on my cheek for a few seconds before he sat upright and leaned in closer to me. His fingers slowly trailed down my face and brushed at the stubble on my chin with the lightest of touches. It felt like a feather was being tickled on my skin, but I just sat there and let him do as he wished. His face was full of concentration, and he bit his lip in the process, which made it all the better to look at and enjoy. His other hand reached up and lightly traced the other side of my face down my jawline and eventually to my chin. The tip of his index finger followed no particular path but ended up around my lips where he used a feather-light touch to outline that feature as well.

He smiled, which made my heart flutter because I took that as a sign that he likes whatever he was visualizing inside of his head. His hands brushed against the rest of my face and felt what features were left before he pulled away and leaned back against the headboard of my bed. The closeness was now lost, which meant the warmth went away with it, but his smile was still there.

"You are probably so handsome and I can't even see it," he pouted.

I laughed at his cuteness and leaned back on the headboard beside him. I turned to look at him even though he couldn't see me, and responded with all the confidence I can muster, "I am pretty hot."

His hand instantly shot up to hide his face as I saw the red creeping into his cheeks, and he laughed. "You also do not lack any modesty, Sirus. Do you get a lot of attention? I'm assuming so if you are as hot as you claim."

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