Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Sirus' POV:

Jaxon and Ari left to do some shopping as I remained on the couch. I would have liked to help Jaxon get some things for Ari, even pay for something, but I had to go to work in a few hours. I finally got myself off the couch and headed straight for the bathroom as I started to pull my shirt off. The shower was running and steaming up the bathroom in a matter of seconds and I stripped the rest of my clothes off.

I don't know why or how I started thinking about Ari while I was naked in the shower, but it happened. I was thinking about how he appeared in my apartment out of thin air and how he was the sweetest person I think I have ever met. I know a lot of assholes, so it's not hard for him to be the sweetest person I've met, but he is. I then start feeling bad for him because I know a lot of people that deserve to go through what he is going through and he is sure as hell not one of them.

I let the water run down my body as I clenched my fist and rubbed water out of my eyes with my other hand. Good people should not go through bad things. He should not have to deal with not being able to see, or with a horrible father, or being bullied. I don't need to know his whole life story to know that's what he has had to put up with. A protective brother can only do so much.

My shower was long, and to be honest, I didn't even do much of the showering part. I just kind of sat under the water for a good half hour letting it scald my back and turn my skin pink. I stepped out and noticed something new on the bathroom counter. I was standing there stark naked but I was too curious to care. There was a small device that was placed on the left side of the sink. I picked it up and read the description which was also written in braille underneath. A braille labeler...? I don't know if it belonged to Ari or his brother, but it was definitely a good idea. I'd have to check with Jaxon to see if he needed help labeling stuff for Ari. For now, I didn't want to touch anything just in case I don't do it right.

I put it back in the exact place I found it and then grabbed my towel to start drying my hair. After my bathroom routine, I made my way back to my room to throw on my clothes and shoes and grab my keys so I could head to work.

Work wasn't exactly far from the apartment, but it was a decent drive away. The perfect distance to enjoy a ride on my motorcycle. The weather was starting to get really nice too. A bit breezy for the next couple of days before the cold starts to really kick in. When the snow comes, it's out with the bike and in with my '64 Challenger. It's also good weather to get close with people. I wouldn't mind getting close with Ari.

Seriously, I would not mind at all if he was cold, and you know, wanted to get close to me for some body heat. I would not complain at all. But that's not exactly gay, is it? I wouldn't mind if it was. I never cared about labels or anything of the sort. But I am pretty sure Jax would have something to say about it. He wasn't too happy when he found out his little brother spent the night in my room, and we didn't even do anything.

I was on a high thinking about Ari until I stepped foot into work. Everyone's heads snapped in my direction and I already had to bark out a few orders to the idiots who can't even do anything right. Some people were smart enough to get out of my way when they realized the bad mood they put me in, but others were not so bright.

Derek. Derek for instance was not one of the smart ones because he is currently standing in front of me right now with his arms crossed over his chest and a sly smirk slapped across his face. I didn't pay him any mind and I sure as hell won't play his games. I know he's standing there waiting for me to ask him what he wants, but I just stood there with him. Eventually he broke and started speaking whatever it was he needed to say.

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