Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Ari's POV:

I was lying awake in bed with the thought of being in unfamiliar territory. I couldn't see a thing as always, however, I just felt completely out of place. My bed was in a completely different position than it was back at home. Everything is flipped over here. To a normal person, it wouldn't seem like a big deal, but to a blind person it is a huge game changer. I have been in a set routine for pretty much my whole life just to be thrown into a completely new routine.

Sometime around midnight, according to Jax, we all decided to go to bed. Jax instantly got up and took my hand to escort me to my own room to get my things situated. He was babbling about me probably being super tired from the car ride and saying something about familiarizing me with the tiny apartment tomorrow morning when we all have our wits about us. I wasn't complaining because I really did feel exhausted from today.

But now, lying here by myself, I felt going to sleep without getting some semblance of my whereabouts was a huge mistake. Like...where do I pee for instance? Maybe that would have been a good thing to learn before spending the night in a place I have never been to before.

I groaned before rolling to the side of my bed and swinging my legs over. Only my legs hit the wall from getting out on my "usual side." Flopping back to lay flat on the bed, I just laid there in silence as I exhaled loudly. My hair tickled my forehead as it flew all over the place, and everything was just silent for a moment. I swung my legs the other way this time, and leaned forward to sit up on the bed. Okay...first step down. Second task: find the door?

I don't know. Jax literally just led me directly to the bed, sat me down, and said he will see me in the morning after I get some rest. Thank you Jax. Thank so much for all your help. I really have to pee, and I don't know where I am.

Standing up, I hold my hands out in front of me and move slowly to the opposite end of the room. My palms met a wall and I shift them to the left only to feel a corner where the two walls connect. This prompts me to go right to where I eventually come to a door. The doors are the easy part. It's once I get out of the doors. That is where the problems lie.

I felt along the wall as I continued to travel in one direction. Everything felt the same here. There were no indicators as of yet to tell me where I am in the house, or if I am even close to my destination. But finally, my hands feel a door frame, and eventually a door handle as I reach out for one. I have no way of knowing if this is the bathroom or not, but I'll try it anyway.

After turning the handle and pushing the door open, I was met with the sound of a TV on low volume. I wasn't sure who's room it was, but I can assure you it was someone's. I heard him move before I felt him. Warm hands came into contact with my shoulders and I felt his breath on my face.

"Ari, you okay?" he whispered. "You need somethin'?"

Sirus. This was definitely Sirus' room. "I was trying to find the bathroom," I said sheepishly, and I hoped to God I didn't look as stupid as I felt. I heard and felt his soft laugh, which caused warm breath to hit my skin. I shivered from the sound of it, but quickly composed myself.

He spun me around and lead me out with both hands on my shoulders as he leaned down to whisper in my ear: "I'll lead you."

He walked slowly, and he described everything around us to help me get a better grasp of the layout. One hand remained on my shoulder to guide me, and the other took my hand and set it on the wall underneath his own hand.

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