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"No...it wasn't"

The fear that coursed through Nathan's body as he heard those words were indescribable. Mark stared blankly at nothing, speechless. The dream was real - blood of a demon pulses through Nathan's blood.

But Mark knew more. He knew what it's like to be part demon - because his counterpart was the one and only Darkiplier. Mark had to explain all this to Nathan but would it be too much?? 

"Um...Nate??" He asked, standing back and letting go of his shoulders. The confusion on Nathan's face was enough to send Mark's stomach flipping.


"Wel-" Mark was about to explain before he screamed out in pain. Excruciating pain flooded around his head and it felt like his skull was being crushed together. He screamed again as shivers and shooting pains crawled up his back. Mark wanted this to stop desperately but it continued. Nathan was screaming Mark's name to no avail - it sounded so far away yet he was right next to him.

Mark knew that he had collapsed - but the pain from his head overpowered the pain he should have been enduring from the fall. Nathan was trying to pull him to his feet, eventually succeeding. Mark balanced himself on the table next to Nathan, the pain slowly subsiding with tears staining his face. As Mark looked behind Nathan, he saw the one person he DIDN'T want to see - Dark.

Nathan turned slowly after seeing Mark look behind him. His entire body jolted backwards when he saw a darker version of Mark standing by the kitchen window. 

"Hello Nathan, I believe this is the first time we've spoken." He smirked, bearing sparkling white fangs. Mark had a counterpart too?? Why didn't he tell Nathan??

Mark's counterpart would glitch every so often but Nathan could make out his appearance. Broad, like Mark, his face a sickly grey. His hair was raven black - the parting the opposite side to Mark's. His eyes were a blood red that made hell look dull, he also wore a grey suit that fitted around his build comfortably.

Nathan swallowed a lump he had in his throat before speaking with more confidence than he actually had, "Who the crap are you??"

Mark coughed up a bit before speaking, not allowing his counterpart to speak.

"He's my counterpart." He weezed.

"My name is Darkiplier. But Mark here just calls me Dark." Dark smiled, leaning on the kitchen counter. His eyes flickered like the flames in a fire. Nathan backed off. This was A LOT to take in. Mark decided to explain things to Nathan, he knows he'd want one after Dark's approach.

"Nate, Dark is me. A part of me. Some would call him my 'dark side's, others would call him my 'alter ego'. But in reality, me and Dark are two sides of the same coin. There isn't a me without him, nor is there a him without me. As complex as it may seem, we complete each other."

Nathan just stared in disbelief. They...complete each other?? Questions whirled around in his head, and Nathan tried to grab one to ask. The first question he could grasp at seemed answerable, and not dumb.

"Like split personalities??"

"In a way," Dark replied, "Only one of us can be in control at any one time - so when we aren't sharing, like now, I'm a glitchier version."

Nathan seemed beyond confused, and Mark didn't blame him. Without thinking, Nathan grabbed his jacket and walked out the door.

The autumn air stroked Nathan's cheek as the night sky powdered itself in stars. Nathan picked up his pace as he let his legs walk him to wherever. The breeze picked up to a wind as he made his way into town. Sometimes, he swore he could hear someone or something whisper his name, but it was so inaudible that the wind carried it away - not to be heard by people who's attention didn't seek it. 

Natemare was the other half of him?? The other side of the coin??

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