5. Final Step In Saving A Life

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Kate swung the stand at the chip head causing the guts to fly everywhere.

"Thanks," I breathed over the noise of the walkers.

"Let's finish this!" There were three more left.

"Please don't hurt me!!" Screamed one of them obviously a chip head. The others just groaned like normal walkers. I suddenly recognized the chip head; it was some one that I never really considered being my friend much, Taylor. Kate and I took out the other walkers, but we watched Taylor move closer to us in a weird fashion. Her head was straining to the side as her body was forced forward by the chip.

"Help! Those.. evil people. They put the chip in my side and it didn't reach my brain! I can still control my mind, but nothing else!" Taylor screamed in frustration. I don't know what it is with chip heads and screaming. I walked up to her and shoved her to the ground. Her limbs strained against me, but I ignored them. Kate stood by at the ready.

"Prove it. That you aren't controlled by them mentally," I ordered.

"Your name is Kendall. We and Caroline were partners in science class for three days." I gulped.

"That's right. I'm sorry, but this so the only way that you'll be ok. I promise it won't hurt. You'll be out of this controlled state in a second." Taylor's head nodded in agreement body her body language kept struggling. I hated doing this. I hated it! I was about to speak, but I choked on my words.

"Close your eyes," Kate spoke for me. Taylor closed her eyes. I never thought much about her until now. It's over. I grabbed my screwdriver and jabbed it into her head. She was gone. I heard uneven gasping coming from above. I looked up on top of the about eight foot cabinets that held the instruments. There was a small crawl space that held none other than my choir teacher, Mr. Wilson.

"You're fine. They're all dead now. Well, more dead than normal." I pity laughed at my own joke. I had never seen Mr. Wilson in such a disheveled shape. His clothes were wrinkled, his black hair which was normally in a neat combover was everywhere and stood up, and his face was red, probably from yelling.

"How did you get up there?" Asked Kate.

"I-uh. I climbed from t-the desk." I had never heard his voice so hoarse before. Not even when he was sick.

"You can come back down now. We got all of 'em," Kate offered. He nervously looked around the room and noticed that they were gone. Leah ran into the room.

"There you guys are! Those government people aren't letting us leave."

"Thanks for the info. I'll talk with you in a minute." Leah nodded at me and waited by the door. I climbed up on the desk and held out my hand "You won't last if you stay up there. Those people will capture you and turn you into a chip head." Very hesitantly, Mr. Wilson grabbed my hand and climbed down. We jumped off the table and met up with Leah at the doorway. I noticed something off. Kate was gone.

"Where's Kate?" Mr. Wilson managed to ask.

"She left to go 'get her goats' as she said." Crap. We needed her.

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