16. Leaving

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(This chapter is for KawaiiPotato0779 who ships me with Mr. Wilson. 😒)

   It had been two days since we first arrived. Now we are ready to leave. I got into my assigned pickup truck with Mr. Wilson. I also have the pieces of bacon and other meats that I had to feed Alana and Abigail if they got out of hand.

   "Ready?" I asked through a walkie talkie that we found in Lacey's brother's room.

   "Yep!" Lacey answered from the other car. I turned towards Mr. Wilson.

   "Let's go." He nodded and began to drive. I have to say that I was prepared for everything on this drive except for one thing: awkwardness. I know, I know. It doesn't matter as much as I think, but to me awkwardness is hilarious. So I'm trying to not burst out laughing and instead pay attention to the girls and the other car. Come on though. Being in a car with your choir teacher is pretty awkward. There has to be something we can talk about. I finally got it!

   "Hey, remember that time Kate told you that I memorized your license plate and then you had me say it see if I actually did and it turned out that I did?" I asked. He chuckled.

   "Yeah, why?"

   "Well, I'm not a creepy stalker person just so you know. I only did that to entertain my friends. That's mainly why I did the things I did. Just to entertain them."

   "So all that loving choir thing was just a joke?" He seemed generally confused.

    "No! No, I actually did enjoy choir." He nodded.

   "Ok, I was just making sure that you weren't just doing that for your friends because that would be a waste of talent."

   "Talent? Psh, I wouldn't call it that." I was getting a little flustered now. I always get that way when people compliment me especially on my signing.

   "Actually, you're better than you think."

   "Well, my choir voice is different from my actual signing voice," I argued.

   "Then your regular singing voice must be wonderful."

   "Stahp it," I replied in a funny voice. I looked back at the rear view window to see Alana trying to get my attention. Oh boy. "Stop the car!" He did as I asked. I jumped out and threw a piece of bacon in the trunk. Abigail caught it with her teeth and ate it hungrily.

   "Thanks!" Alana called out to me.

   "Yep!" I got back into the trick and we started off. Soon enough, we had passed Leah's house which is on the same road as mine. It looked the same as usual except a couple of walkers milling around outside. None of them looked like her parents or brothers. I sighed in relief.

   Hopefully they are safe. Next we drove up to my house. It looked fine on the outside, but there was still some walkers outside just like Leah's house. They aren't here. I gotta get inside and see if they left something. I jumped out of the truck before anyone could say anything and sped towards my house.


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