10. They're Gonna Find Us

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It's been a whole day that we've been here. Or at least, I think so. The clock on the wall was always wrong, but I can't tell time anyways. I just watch the hand till it moves to the next number.

"We gotta do something," I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Leah asked as she sat down next to me.

"Oh, hey. I was just thinking about how we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Why's that? We have everything we need."

"No, well I mean, for now we do, but the real problem is Phillip and his men. They're gonna search the rooms for any other survivors. They're gonna find us."

"They could've already left."

"That's highly unlikely. They targeted the school to get kids because they would trust him better than any other adults. Kids would also not be as good at fighting back. Phillip just wants to make more of his chip heads." She nodded.

"That does make sense. No wonder you're our leader." I began to get a little angry.

"I'm not a leader. We all work together. We don't need a leader. I mean, what kind of leader only has one hand? A useless one." I grumbled the last part under my breath. Leah started to stand back up.

"Whatever you say, leader." I rolled my eyes and got up. I have to tell Mr. Wilson and Bree my theory about Phillip and his people.


"I don't think we should leave. We shouldn't chance it," Mr. Wilson said once I was done.

"I'm not ending up like a chip head. Being forced to do things that I don't want to do. No way," Bree stated.

"We could fight them."

"We don't have hardly enough supplies for that," I told Mr. Wilson. "They have guns. And what do we have? A screwdriver. Yeah, that'll work." I didn't mean to sound sarcastic, but I was not in the mood at the moment.

"We should just take a vote. Even though there is an even number of people in here, we can figure something out," Leah spoke up.

"I like that idea," Bree and I said at the same time.

"Every one that wants to leave, raise your hand." Leah, Bree, and I raised our hands.

"Oh come on guys," Mr. Wilson said.

"We'll take what we need, maybe put it in a tuba case and sneak out of here," I planned. So that's what we did. We found a tuba case and filled it with canned food, water bottles, and Leah's coffee packets. I grabbed my screwdriver and looked around.

"I think we got everything," Mr. Wilson stated.

"Me too," I replied. "Everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yep," all of them answered in unison. We began to remove the barricade on the door. When it was fully removed, I poked my head through the door and looked around.

"All clear." Leah came up behind me with a music stand in her hand. Those things were actually pretty good weapons. Mr. Wilson and Bree then came out with the Tuba case. They followed me to the door which actually wasn't that far away. We opened it. Bright light blinded us. What the heck? It was supposed to be dark out. My vision cleared and I realized that it was from about ten flashlights. A shrill whistle sounded. Dogs came out of the shadows. They all had red eyes and growled at us. Well, crap.

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