Not so innocent now, huh?

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If there was one thing Matt loved more then himself, it would be his boyfriend, (Y/n). Who was one of the most cutest people he had ever met, ever since they stared dating, the (h/c) just got cuter and cuter by the second, always wanting hugs, kisses, and never leaving Matts side, and he absolutely loved that, but, their was just one problem...

He was innocent,

Yeah, you heard, (Y/n) was an innocent cinnamon, too innocent for Matts lustful desires, though a bit disappointed, he still loved the (h/c) and didn't want to ruin his innocence any time soon, even if he had to hold back on his desires, he didn't want to ruin it, tonight was their movie night, the others were out doing their own thing, so that meant Matt and (Y/n) had the whole place to themselves, since Matt didn't want (Y/n) to find some messed up movie like '50 shades of grey' He chose the movie, which was 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs' and they both really enjoyed it, having a bowl of popcorn with Coca Cola, everything was going all swell, well, in till the end of the movie, after the credits ended, and the T.V turned off, the room was nearly pitch black, the living room only being lighted by the full moon from outside, when Matt got up he accidentally tripped on what he assumed was Ringo, and grabbed (Y/n)s arm in the process, sending them both down, Matt groaned in and opened his blue-ish green eyes, being greeted with the others innocent (E/c) eyes, who were filled with worry and concern.

"Matty? Are you alright? D-did I hurt you?" "No, I'm ok, you?" "Yeah, I'm ok, I'll just try and get up now and..." "N-no! Wait-!" Too late, the (H/c)s knee accidentally hit Matts crotch, it was painful, but wonderful at the same time, so much so that Matt couldn't let out a groan of pleasure. "A-ah~" then instantly blushed embarrassment and covered his face, while (Y/n) just stared in shocked and confusion, wouldn't that hurt? It usually did when he saw Tord kick Tom their, but Matt looked like he.......Enjoyed it? Many thoughts ran through his head, in till he suddenly felt his pants began to tighten, and groaned in discomfort, looking down, he saw that his little 'friend' had came out, now don't get him wrong, he may be innocent, but he wasn't that innocent to not understand what a boner was, he'd just never gotten a boner before, so this was new, he didn't know what to do, he looked up at Matt, who was now staring at the (H/c) wide eyed and blushing.

"M-matty....It hurts.....W-what do I do?" SHIT! What WAS Matt going to do?! He knew if he did 'it' with the (h/c) and he would be mentally scarred for the rest of his life! How was he going to do this? He then felt something bite his neck, and felt liquid drip from it as well, most likely blood, causing him to let out a a moan of pleasure. "A-ah~" He looked and saw that it was nothing but his 'innocent' boyfriend, who was practically sucking his blood like a vampire at this point, he pulled away and looked at Matt dead in the eye, no longer did they look so innocent, they were filled with desire and want, (Y/n) looked to the side in embarrassment. "I-I heard that this is what people do when they love and trust each other, Tord told me about it, I-I just don't know how this really works, so your gonna have to help me with this, please?" Ok, he was DEFINITELY going to kill Tord after this, but he pushed that thought aside and focused all his attention on (Y/n), who looked at him pleading, he was being serious, but the real question was.

Was he ready?

Yes, he was, he knew that if (Y/n) wasn't so innocent in the first place and they'd done this, he knew (Y/n) would make sure he was ok with this, so he sighed and gently smiled at the (h/c). "Ok, I'll help you, here's what you've gotta do~" His voice suddenly dropped to a seductive tone, gently pushing the (h/c) on to his back, who was blushing and eyes were wide, he didn't know what to make of the situation, Matt smirked, and took of his sweater, over coat, and shirt, leaving him half bare. "Just relax and enjoy the show~" If (Y/n) wasn't blushing enough then, he was now, he didn't know what to say or do, so he just nodded, Matt chuckled and started to take the (H/c)s clothes off, (Y/n) helping him, when he was in nothing but (f/c) boxers, revealing his hard member. "Heh, never thought someone so innocent as you would want to do this~" "W-well, it'd never hurt anybody to try, right?" Matt chuckled, and began to pull down the (h/c)s boxers, revealing his surprisingly large member, Matt couldn't help but stare 'how the hell is that going fit in me?'

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