Chapter 2: Broken Bottles

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Chapter 2: Broken Bottles

We tumbled into the dark room. Clinging onto eachother as we stumbled over the various objects, before landing on the couch, giggles of illict pleasure echoed around the room. I kissed him, his lips cold and soft, fitting perfectly with mine.

I remembered those lips from somewhere.

His hands ran from my shoulders to my waist, pulling me in closer before he slide them under my t-shirt. His touch sent shivers through me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, looking into his eyes as he opened them...they were sapphire blue.

I sat up instantly, gasping with shock. I was shivering, sweating, cold. Wrapping my duvet tightly around me i leaned back, resting my head against my pillow. It was 3am, I had 3 more hours to sleep. A freezing cold wind swept into my bedroom and i looked in its direction.

The window was open wide.

After what seemed like days of tossing and turning the sunlight shone dimly through my open window. I sat up. The daylight stinging my eyes as i blinked. I felt lightheaded, sweaty and damp from my restless night. What had happened last night?

Throwing off my duvet i lent my head against the cold wall behind me, crossing my legs. I closed my eyes.

''Think Andi, think'' I whispered to myself

I knew something wasnt right. I felt suprisingly good this morning....I felt suprisingly good yesterday in the bookstore too. Suprisingly good definatly wasnt my thing. I tried to clear my mind, fit the pieces of the puzzle together...but all I could think of was two jewel-blue eyes gazing into mine. Everytime I blinked the picture got clearer....then it hit me.

The vampire.

The one in the bookstore.

The inhumanly handsome one with the cheeky smile and the ridiculously blue eyes.

I sighed, a grin tugging at my lips even though i knew i shouldnt be happy about him...or anything to do with him for that matter, but i couldnt help it. Why was I even thinking about him? Oh gosh did I dream about him? I'd met vampires before but none that made me feel this way. Even human guys I hadnt really been too attached to. This was wrong. I'd barely spoke to him. I creased my forehead till my head began to hurt and I started thinking about a cool shower instead. I slid out of bed grabbed my towel and took a long cold shower.

Summer wouldnt be up for another hour; she was my 3yr old sister. Summer had the sweetest blonde baby curls, cherrub cheeks and big blue eyes which were nothing like my dark brown honey coloured hair and my greeny-brown almond shaped eyes. I wouldbe be suprised if we had different fathers. Mine was dead. Maybe thats why my mother adored Summer and never me, because I reminded her of something she'd rather not think about.

Thinking about my mother depressed me too much so I went downstairs and kept myself busy in the kitchen. My mother had (once again) trashed it in one of her drunken outrages on everything last night. Empty bottles of vodka and crushed empty beer cans were splayed out all over the place aswell as the chairs which had been turned over and the fridge emptied all over the floor. I sighed deeply and tried to be optimistic.

''Atleast its an improvment to last weeks outbreak'' I mumbled to myslef

''Daawwwliinngg, whyy you up so earlyyy'' My mom slurred as she hobbled into the kitchen, the stale smell of alcohol and sweat following her

I raised my eyebrow.

''I'd ask you the same thing'' I replied coldly ''you normally don't wake up till 2pm''

''N-now don't youuu be gimmim me THAT tone missyy''

I watched as my mom stumbled drunkly as the words slurred from her lipstick stained mouth. Her hair was dishelved, not normal dishelved morning hair but birds nest dishelved with hair slides, some sort of gooey extensions and hairpins sticking out all over the place. One of her eyelashes were glued together with mascara and lipstick was smeared along her cheek. Pathetic.

I turned back to clearing up some broken glass from a bottle on the floor while my mother reached into the cupboard and brought out a bottle of tequila.

''Don't you think you've had enough of that already'' I muttered

My mom turned and glared at me.

''I d-don't wannana to here a wwwword out of you and your smart talkin' bullshit'' she snarled taking a gulp of tequila ''I'm a grown woman, I-i-i make my own choices''

''Well maybe your making the wrong ones'' I replied calmly

That set off her fuse.

She grabbed me by my hair and threw me into the wall. I may be 17 but she was a bulky woman with more strength than you would think. i crumpled to the ground, reaching up to hold my head but she got to me quicker. She kicked me in the gut and i gasped for breath. The air caught in my throat and i coughed and spluttered uncontrolably. My stomach throbbed in pain but I blinked back tears. I wouldnt let her win. Taking a deep breath I stood up replying her gaze with a glare of pure disgust. Summer ran through my mind. She would be up soon. I imagined her waking up to this. To that thing she called mother looking like that, I looked away ashamed.

''Go take a shower Sandra'' I demanded, my gaze fixed on the door, before adding softly ''Summer will be up soon''

I didnt stay long enough to hear her reply. I didnt wanna here her speak. I raced upstairs, slowing at Summer's door and pushing it open slowly.

Summer was wide awake. Her baby blue eyes twinkled in recognition as i entered the room. I rushed to her and picked her up, cradling her in my arms, she was silent. I guess she understood the mood in the household this morning. Tense. I got her washed and dressed then carrying Summer in one hand and my bag in the other I rushed out of the door. Far away from the house I wished i could call home.

The warm breeze welcomed me as i walked along the empty streets towards the park. Summer held my hand tight and insisted on walking. She made me smile. I looked up at the clear blue sky then straight ahead.

Into two sapphire blue eyes.

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