Chapter 1: The Sapphire God

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Chapter 1-The Sapphire God:

I shook my head in a daze. What the hell was that? The books I held weighed a ton in my arms, I felt weak, shocked, stunned...but suprisingly good. In fact I felt amazing. I dunno what had just happened to me but whatever it was it felt good. I scanned the book store. I was almost empty, with some sort of deafening silence echoing along the shelves. Thats when I saw him...

He was watching me from the corner of the aisle. His sapphire eyes glued on mine. His perfectly curved lips curled up into a smile. He was the most gorgeous guy i'd seen....ever. His beauty was weird. Alien. But it was still there. He had charcoal black floppy hair which swept across his eyes and cheeck. The colour of his hair made his skin look even paler, if that was possible. But i couldnt take my eyes of his. They were ice blue orbs, I felt like i was seeing through them, like it was liquid blue gold....sapphire. A window to his soul.

I recognised him from somewhere...

''H-h-h-hey Andie, i couldnt help but notice you from...''

Oh God...It was Danny. Danny Yorke. my stalker. I wouldnt mind so much if he wasnt blocking my view of the Sapphire God at the other end of the room.

''....I was just wondering if you''

''Eugh not again Danny, how many times do I need to tell you....'' I sighed

''I know I you'' his acne ridden face contorted into a forced smile

''Danny i'm sorry but I-I um....''

''It's ok, we can work out whatever's wrong'' he begged

''....I'm a...I'm a nun...devoted to the Lord.......Allah''

Danny raised an eyebrow

'''re Islamic?''


I started to take afew steps back hoping to turn and run but my shoe laces caught in some sort of weird way and I toppled to the ground. I sharp pain stabbed through my knees and i blinked back tears.

''Do you need help'' Danny asked hopefully and reached out his hand

I reached up, my hand touching his, but it wasnt Danny's hand. The hand was suprising cold, marble like...yet soft, welcoming. I looked up into two glistening deep blue eyes. The eyes of my Sapphire God. 'My'. I wish.

''So you're a...nun''

I watched his lips form the perfect words as he helped me up. I gazed. Happy. Then I realised he was waiting for an answer...

I cleared my throat ''...Um...Yeah. I mean yes. Yes I am''

Why the hell did I just say that?

''Cool...and I'm a monk'' He replied


My mouth formed an 'O' shape.

''I'm joking Andie, I'm not a monk...just like your not a nun...your too young to be a nun...too hot to be a nun''

His eyes ran over my figure, hesistating now and then. Eugh don't tell me he was one of THOSE guys. I realised i was still holding his hand and pulled away instantly.

''Well...I knew you wern't and how do you know my name?''

''A simple thank you would suffice'' He grinned...mmmmmm yummeh...

''Eugh I don't need your help thank you very much so would you please refrain from helping me again''....did I just say 'refrain'??

He smiled, his hand moving to my cheek and caressing it softly. I hesitated for a moment before pulling away. I had to get away before i ended up jumping on him, I mean i'm not one of those girls but come on...his charm was irresistable.

I saunter out of the book shop, noticing Danny in the floor nearby holding his head as if he was confused or in pain, I dropping my books in a pile along the way and didn't looking back. I ignored the ache of need that begged me to turn back. I needed some fresh air. Nothing good comes oput of guys like that, and i knew exactly what kind of guy he was. He was a vampire. They were common in my area. We learnt about them at school, about there appearance (pale and attractive, odd eyes) there tendancies (harmless unless provoked) and of course...what they ate. I gulped. Why were these creatures aloud to roam among us? even though the headlines of every newspaper read the same thing week after week.

''Vampire Kills Again''

''Woman Claims She Was Kidnapped By 'God Like' Creatures''

''Lab Tests Suggest Vampires Have 'Special Powers''

They all pointed to the same thing. Vampires were dangerous. And I wasnt going to endanger myself. I promised from that day foreward I wouldnt give my Sapphire God another thought.

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