Chapter 3: Tree's of hidden emeralds

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Chapter 3- Tree's of Hidden Emeralds

"I don't need this right now" I muttered pushing past him.

I ignored the fact that my heart was thumping rapidly against my chest and hesitated for a second, my feet continued shuffling foreward mechanically but I didn't want to be alone while I watched Summer play, enveloped in her carefree happiness while she slid down the slide or begged for me to push her on the swings. Her world seemed so far from mine. Something inside me urged for the vampire...For Kellan to follow me. And he did.

He was silent, his presence surprisingly calming after getting used to my uncontrollable heartbeat.

"What do you want" I whispered, knowing he could hear.

"You" He replied, his voice sweet, perfect, mellifluous but unnervingly serious.

The word echoed through my mind and my grip tightened against Summer's. She skipped along, humming incoherently as the breeze caressed her baby face. The park got closer and closer and butterflies welled up in my stomach. What would I say to him? Should I be angry? Why does he want me? Should I flirt? Batter my eyelashes and flick my hair? I stifled a giggle.

That wasn't Andie.

That wasn't me.

I inconspicuously led my gaze away from the park ahead and looked down at myself. I guess I wasn't all that bad. I'd managed to do the essentials this morning. Run a brush through my hair, throw on jeans and a blue polo shirt.

Hang on a sec since when did I care what he thought.

"Since you started dreaming about him"

The thought echoed through my mind then something clicked. He'd been in my dreams yes. But why? I remembered his teasing gaze in the bookstore while I tried to coordinate myself and felt confused and...surprisingly good after...I day dreamed about him. I remember the window of my bedroom, open wide this morning. He was doing this to me. He was making me dream like that. He was there in my bedroom as I slept.

The memory came back to me instantly, he was sitting at the bottom of my bed as I drifted to sleep, his gaze fixed on mine, a breath-takingly beautiful smile on his face. Then I dreamt of him. Of us.

I opened the park gate and ushered Summer in then taking a deep breath I turned to face Kellan.

"You were in my dreams" I mumbled before looking up at him.

My breath caught as his liquid sapphire eyes landed on mine, a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Yes, yes I was" He replied pretending to yawn

"You made me dream those things" A hint of annoyance flooded into my voice

"Yes, yes I did"

He still seemed unfazed and leaned against the gate, crossing his arms and grinning.

"How" The words surprised me as I said them, why would I want to know how?

"It's a...talent of mine" He smiled "Did you like it"

I blinked.

"What?" I stuttered "I don't understand"

"You heard me" He started to move toward me, pinning my back against the gate "Did you like it" he purred into my ear, his warm breath tickling my cheek gently.

I was speechless. My eyes ran over the perimeter of the park, I pressed the palms of my hands against his chest then pushed him away slightly so I could look at him.

His eyes were darting from tree to tree but I could still see them. They looked guarded. Cold. Tense. Something wasn't right. I could feel it. He blinked and I watched as a flash of terror appear in his eyes before he shook it away.

"No" He muttered under his breath, clenching his teeth.

"Whats wrong" I asked, feeling surprisingly protective of him.

I followed his gaze...then gasped silently.

Just above the playground, hidden within the tree's was another vampire. He was mesmerising, the same alien good looks Kellan had but the way his mouth contorted into a wicked grin made my stomach squeeze in terror.

"Who's that" I gulped

"No" Kellans words echoed like a horror movie.

I looked back at the vampire and suddenly his eyes were on me, all amusement gone from his face. His eyes were emerald green, I could see them clearly although he was partly hidden. Something radiated off of him. Some sort of vibe, or aura. I knew immediately he wasn't one of the good vampire. Whatever that was in the vampire world. He reached up and ran his fingers through his honey blonde hair that reached just below his shoulders then winked at me.

Kellans grip tightened on my shoulders, his fingers digging into my skin slightly till it started to hurt.

"Kellan your hurting me" I whispered " What's wrong"

He let go instantly, stepping back then turning towards the gate.

Kellans next words sliced through me like a knife.


I pulled my gaze from his then frantically searched for Summer. She was beaming happily as she ran across the tarmaced ground of the park, chased by another toddler. She was heading for the tree.

"Summer" I shouted.

She ignored me. Her small hand met the rough bark of the tree first before she turned to me.

"Whats wrong And..."

I lunged foreward, pulling the gate open running as fast as I could, the tree seemed so far. Reaching out to grab her little hand. Kellan flashed past me.

Then I blinked

She was gone.

The tree, the vampire and Summer were gone. I opened my mouth, to scream. Shout. Anything. But I'd forgotten how too. I turned towards Kellan. He was gone to.

I felt dizzy.

This must be a dream.

"Summer" My voice cracked as I said her name

I fell to my knees and let out a sob.

An empty feeling devouring me.

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