5. The First Night part 1.

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He finally broke our eye contact when Mark Introduced his children. This is Sophie my youngest who's 17 He says pointing to the the girl as she smiled. 

"This is Logan", he says pointing to Mark no. 2, the younger looking mark as Logan smiles and waves to everyone. 

"And last but definitely not least, is Caleb" He says finally pointing to the used to be glaring, boy. I hadn't realised I had been waiting anxiously for his name. I guess the less anonymity he had the better I felt about him. Though when Caleb was introduced he hadn't had a glare or furrowed together brows that I expected him to have, but he had a smile on his face, though not a warm and genuine one but one you give to strangers passing by on the streets.

"Now, these guys will be around for your scheduled hikes like tomorrow, the surfing, kayaking and or if you ever need them for information, opinion or help, call any one of their numbers." He says handing Audrey a piece of paper "just as a precaution you know?" He says explaining hoping he hadn't't elicited any worry in us "its just that these parts have the same dangers as any other places minus the people around who can help" He finishes somewhat nervously. 

The group didn't question him and thanked him to being so concerned for our safety.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, if they weren't going to ask I certainly would "What kind of injuries have been sustained during customers stay here?" I continue

"No, no serious injuries of course, just the usual trips and falls from people generally being ignorant, thats mostly why we've decided to have 'customers'" He says doing air quotes "accompanied by these three" He says pointing to his children " since they know the land more than you guys, that's all" He explained very thoroughly. "I've already explained this to Audrey here" He explains

"Oh, alright" was all I answered. I guess doing a nursing course really made me aware of mortality of us humans.

"Yeah, sorry. We didn't know you were coming till last night so we didn't get to brief you" Audrey says a little embarrassed "I'll let you know everything later alright" She says walking towards me and touching my arm.

Ethan then asked to see a map of the area after all the tension had died down and some had sat down. "I was wondering where we were gonna go hiking, actually" He asked Mark sounding excited "I wanna decide how long it'll be, taking in mind everyones level of fitness, you get me?" He said explaining to Logan. Granted he was talking about Ben and Audrey who weren't necessarily the fittest people in the house.

"I would also really like to start the hike either when the rain stops today or sunrise tomorrow morning" He continues "whichever you think would be better considering the weather and terrain" Ethan says, he really cares about our activities I guess.

"Yes, Yes of course. I have a map here" Mark says pulling out a map from his pocket. Deep pockets. "Caleb and Logan here will discuss the plans with you" He said as Caleb and Logan steps forward.

"Yeah, we can talk about that later, but we'll definitely not have enough time to do it today" He said simply. His voice deep sounding nonchalant. Caleb had the same but not as strong an accent as his dad, none of them did. Something I'd like to ask him about. "I think it's better if we go there tomorrow, It's lashing outside and might get a little slippery, plus we can see the sunset from here if we wake up early for it." Caleb informed Ethan. 'I sense a bromance developing though' I thought, already making up ship names for them. Cethan? Calehan? Calan? Calen? 

"Alright alright, guys" Lily said loudly, beside me... once again taking me out of my daydream. She really needs to stop doing that "enough of this exercise talk, can we make some food now? I'm starving" She says walking down to the stairs towards the group. I hadn't realised how hungry I had been either until Lily had mentioned food. We bought some groceries with us from the city, not knowing how close to the shop we were and luckily we did because guessing from the walk up here it wasn't very close. 

Oh yeah, do you have any cooking books around here?" Liam asked "I have some things in mind but didn't get time to see other options so a cook book would really help" He said. Liam was our designated cook for tonight with the rest of us acting as sous chefs. He loved cooking, well baking but he had taken a culinary arts course for college so we trusted him with our lives, or our stomachs.

"Yes, we do actually, in the cupboards somewhere. You can get some recipes on the internet as well, but the wifi won't be connected for another couple of days," Logan answered. But I was hoping you'd let me cook you guys something for the first night? since there's no internet for now and we'd gone grocery shopping for you's, enough for a few days. Plus its kinda our tradition cooking for guests on the first night. Kind of as a housewarming gift" He said gesturing with his hands. He talked with his hands a lot. Like a lot.

"Well, we wouldn't want any hassle" Ben said chiming in "Besides we already did our own groceries, so we wouldn't wanna trouble you." He finishes

"Oh, no trouble at all!" Sophie said genuinely "Also the gas at our house doesn't work yet so we kind of need to do it. For our stomachs as much as yours" Sophie said sounding a apologetic. 

"But it really is a tradition! just this time our stomachs benefit from it too" She added as an after thought

"Oh well, Get to cooking then" Lily said sounding all too happy to get started with the cooking. I think it's the not helping out part that pushed her on board with the idea now that more people were on board, as she led the way to the kitchen.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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