Chapter 1

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Hannah's POV

My family and I were sitting in the plane on the way to Mexico. We were about to spent the whole summer there. I know I should be all happy and excited but I'm not. Being on a family vacation means spending a lot of time with the family and even though I really really loved them, that was the last thing I wanted to do. Hanging around them 24/7 is going to be pure toture. I like being alone all by myself and now I'll have to be around them the whole day which means that I'll have to eat.

Now I'm going to introduce my family to you. There are my parents Dianna and Eddie. I love them very much even though they're a little annoying and over protective. Then there's Madison. But don't call her that. She might get angry. I usually call her Mad or Mads. She is one of the funniedt, smartest and most kind hearted people I've ever met, just like Dallas. Dallas is my older half sister. She's the oldest out of the four of us. And then there would be Demi...You might know her. Her last name is Lovato...Does that ring a bell? She's everybody but me The thing is that the two of us don't really get along. I honestly don't know why though. It's not like we hate each other but we're just fighting all the time. Mom says it's because we're so similar but I know that's not true because Demi is super beautiful and talented. She's the definition of perfection and I'm the complete opposite. The only thing we have in common is that we're both mental. Well, she isn't mental anymore but she usued to be.

And in case you want to know more about me. I'm Hannah and I'm 16. I'm kinda fucked up. I'm self harming and not eating properly. I wouldn't call it an eating disorder though. I'm too fat to have one. I usually spend my time being alone or working out. But I won't be able to do that for the next couple of weeks because of this stupid family vacation. I tried to convince them to let mye stay at home but they obviously didn't let me.

"Hannah Banana?" my dad's voice brought me back to reality.


" We're about to land so please buckle up your seat belt"

I nodded and did as I was told.

After we landed we took a cap to our hotel. The hotel grounds were amazing. There were several pools and the beach was perfect. And everywhere were plants and palm trees. The hotel rooms weren't in one building as usual. Some rooms were little houses in a secluded area near the beach. And tree of them were for us. After we got our key cards at the reception my mom turned to us and said:" Eddie and I's cabin is number 47. Dallas and Madison, the two of you are in number 48. Demi and Hannah, your cabin is number 52. It's a couple of minutes away from ours but I don't think that's going to be a problem"

Hannah:" Wait a second. I thought I'm going to share with Dallas"

Demi:" There is no way I'm going to surrvive sleeping in the same room for 12 weeks with that smurf." of her many not so nice nicknames for me.

Mom:" Demi, don't call your little sister smurf. The two of you are going to share this room and that's final. Maybe like that the two of you can get over whatever that is between you"

Demi:" Mom, I'm 21. You can't force me to do anything"

Dad:" Come on, girls. You'll never be in there anyways. Please just try to not ruin the summer for the rest of the family just because you two don't ger alone"

Hannah:"Fine. But if she keeps being means I'll take the next flight and spend the summer with my friends"

Mom and dad just sighed and nodded.

Demi and I made our way towards our cabin. We didn't exchange a single word until we arrived.

Demi:" Here it is"

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