53. Gwen

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Gwen POV

"Quick, Quick, Quick!" Charles whisper shouted, shooing me into the waiting room. As soon as I get in, he looks both ways before closing the door.

"This was a great idea! Joey's gonna be really excited to see you again," Aaron says.

"Yeah, he's been upset since you were gone," Mark said.

"I have that effect from people," I say, flipping my hair back.

"Sure you do," Blake mumbled, rolling his eyes. I glared at him before looking back at Charles.

"Whatever," Charles chuckles, gently pushing me.

"Just to be clear, 1. There's no Hot European boyfriend? And 2. Are you sure you're not wanted in Europe? If you are, what's the reward?" Aaron asked.

"AARON!" Charles, Mark, Blake, and I exclaimed, clearly annoyed.

"What? Just wanted to make sure before we proceed with the plan," Aaron said in defense.

"Ignoring him, where's Joey? I asked them.

"Sound check," Charles says.

"Speaking of sound check, we have to get going. Gwen, stay here with Blake," Mark said.

"You're gonna leave me alone with her/him?!" Blake and I shouted.

"Look, whatever happened between you guys in the group chat, you both need to solve it now. And, Blake needs to make sure that Joey doesn't see you," Charles says.

"Fine, if he says something I don't like, I won't hesitate to jump him like I did to that mime," I said.

"You jumped a mime?!" The guys exclaimed.

"That's part of what I was trying to tell you guys in the group chat!" I groaned.

"Tell us the story later, we got to go," Aaron says.

"P.S: Try not to kill him Gwen," Mark said before him, Aaron, and Charles walked out the room, closing the door. Blake and I just sat there in awkward silence. I mean, what else is there to say, "Hey! What did you mean the I was the first girl you ever liked?!"

"Gwen, about what happened in the group chat and on Instagram... I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me," Blake sighs.

"Look, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said what I said in those chats, it's just- nothing," I said.

"It's okay, I'm just glad that we're okay again," he smiled.

"Blake, what did you mean you mean by I was the first go you ever liked?" I asked. He turned bright red and looked at me.

"Well, I-" Blake started, getting interrupted by the door opening. He quickly gets up and slams the door close.

"Hide!" He whispered shouts. I quick dove under the table filled with snacks and Blake opens the door again.

"DUDE! What was that!" I heard someone shout.

"What was what?" Blake asked, dumbfounded.

"Almost slamming the door on my fingers!" He exclaimed.

"I saw... a s-spider and I had to kill it," Blake nervously said.

"A spider? You almost destroyed my hand because of a spider?" The guys asked, growing mad.

"...Yes?" Blake unsurely answered.

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