85. Jwen

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Warning ⚠️: Maddie's cactus sucking ass is appearing in this chapter. Things are about to get messy! Also, little bit of language.

Joey POV

It's been about a month since Gwen and I got back together. A month of constant smiles, uninterrupted dates, and best of all: no drama.

"Joey?" Gwen asked. I rolled over and face her, looking into her bright blue eyes.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can you promise me something?" She said.

"Sure, is everything okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Just promise me: No matter what you see out there on the internet, or what anyone shows you that seems like I'm cheating on you, that you talk to me first," Gwen says, drawing small circles with her finger on my arm.

"I promise," I said, causing her to smile.

"I gotta go home and you have to pack for London in 2 day," Gwen says, sitting up.

"Why can't you stay princess?" I pouted, sitting up now.

"1. My dad's gonna want me home and 2. I have to back for London in 3 days," she sighed.

"I wish you were going to London the same time as Charles and I," I groaned.

"I wish I could too but, I promise that we'll meet up there for sure," Gwen said. I wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Joeyyyyyy! Let me go you ass," she laughed.

"How rude!" I exclaimed, looking at her, causing her to laugh harder.

"JoJo, pleaseeeeee let me go," Gwen whined.

"Hmmmm, nope. You're actually, really comfortable," I said, still holding on to her. I then felt something wet hit my cheek and I instantly let go of Gwen.

"Dude, did you just f*cking lick my cheek?!" I asked her.

"In fact dude, I just did," she smirked.

"You're nasty!" I said, wiping my cheek.

"And yet, you love me~" Gwen says, poking my sides.

"I still wonder why I do," I mumbled, causing her to smack my arm.

"I'm in an abusive relationship!" I shouted. Gwen rolled her eyes before getting up.

"I'll text you later," she said, kissing my cheek before licking it again.

"Gwen!" I screamed, furiously wiping the cheek that she licked. After Gwen left, Sophia came into my room, smirking.

"So, you and Gwen, huh?" Sophia says, walking into my room.

"What about us?" I asked, looking at her.

"Nothing, I'm just glad to see the both of you together again," She smiled.

"I'm glad to have her back too," I said.

"Joey?" Sophia says.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Don't screw up again, I also advise you to stay away from Caddie while you're at it," She said, walking out my room.

If only I had stayed away from her, I wouldn't be in this situation again...

Gwen POV

"It's...nice to have you back Drew," Dad gritted through his teeth.

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