I created this 'book' under the assumption that nobody is going to read it, as it's more for me than anybody else. But I decided to make an introduction/explanation on the off chance anybody does actually look at this!
So, first things first, hi! You can call me Adrienna. I should start by saying I'm not a writer. I don't really have the desire or skill to commit to actually sitting down and writing stories or books.
Despite this, I have a tendency to create a fair amount of OCs. Most are for pieces of media that already exist. A handful are from a completely original universe and story I made years ago. It's gotten to the point where I need a decent way to organize and catalogue them all in one place. So I created this!
Now, I should warn you that, a lot of these characters probably aren't really fleshed out. Most of them are more like ideas at this point than 3-dimensional characters. I already have enough difficulty understanding real people; creating and understanding fictional characters from scratch is a whole different ballpark.
Also, despite me being a fairly unorganized person, I will try to keep a structure to this. It should usually go:
- Brief Character Introduction
- Additional Character ContentAdditional Content can be a range of things, like miscellaneous info about the character, backstory or personality, a playlist, different types of moodboards, relationships, character aesthetics, maybe even edits if I'm feeling creative. It all depends on what I have available for that character.
Occasionally, there will "Notes". These are things I feel I absolutely have to mention.
Also: on the topic of updates. My schedule varies. I could go days or weeks without updating, or I could update several times in one day. I also tend to revise already posted 'chapters' A LOT. Apologies in advance.
Some other things I should mention:
• I can only use mobile, so everything is uploaded and updated either through a phone or a tablet.
• 'Formatting', or what I think of as formatting, is confusing and I don't really know how to do it, nor whether I actually can on mobile. Don't worry about it.
• All grammar and punctuation 'mistakes' are intentional. I'm more comfortable writing in bullet points and lowercase than full sentences. I'm surprised it took this long for the intro to turn into bullets.
• On that note, the way I write, or "talk" may come across as odd. While I am a native English speaker, I'm also autistic. I've been told that, sometimes, my speech patterns, when written down, sound like a robot who has a shaky grasp on the English language and how to properly use it.
• A lot of my characters are female. I'm just more comfortable creating those characters.
• In a similar vein, most, if not all, of my OCs for fandoms are autistic and/or bisexual. The reason is because I wanna see more OCs and characters like myself.• If I hadn't made myself clear before, I don't plan on actually writing any stories with these OCs.
• If you see stuff about these OCs somewhere else, that's probably me.
• A brief sidenote: These characters aren't really like up for grabs to write about or use; but if for some reason somebody really does want to use one of my fandom OCs, just contact me. I'd be willing to let most of my fandom characters be used, because it'd be nice to see them in the hands of capable writers.
Well, this was much longer than I intended it to be. Whatever. Continue on to the rest of the book, that is if you haven't already skipped past this intro.
RandomA personal index for my OCs of all shapes, sizes, and types. ---------------- OCs © ladyofspace