Prologue -Part 2-

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This will be the final part of the prologue so I hope you enjoy!(also I very highly recommend listening to the video above while reading this! ♡)


(Komaeda's POV)


We walked calmly along the shore as our shoes left imprints in the white sand. I could slightly hear Kuzuryuu and Souda talking with Hinata until I had my eyes focused on the gentle, calming crashing of the sea's light blue waves against the sparkling sand. My mind couldn't stop going to nostalgic thoughts with the hope that atleast not all pretty things in this world weren't destroyed and had started recovering. I hadn't realized that I was staring into space with my gaze on the waves until I tripped over something and fell forward. Thank god my reflexes brought my arms up to my face to shield myself as I fell mostly on my side with a grunt. How unlucky.

They jumped a bit as I heard Hinata's voice,"K-Komaeda?!" Apparently right before I tripped, Hinata was turned to me and had his mouth open and when the words were about to come out I fell. I could tell because when I looked up at where the voice came from he never turned his head towards me, because it wasn't turned away beforehand and his mouth was still slightly open in light surprise.

As my gaze shifted from Hinata to Souda he had taken a step back with a startled expression on his face, but he wasn't too taken aback.

They....actually..were startled by my fall? They really have changed, even Souda who has trust issues and hated me from start to end in the NEO World Program. Maybe this scenario isn't so unlucky after all...heh.

I smiled at those thoughts, I barely noticed Kuzuryuu extend his hand to me as an offer to help me up. I looked up at his face with my eyes slightly wider than before, light genuine smile still lingering on my pale lips. His expression turned from calm to slightly flustered, "W-What are you looking at?! Come on and get up....tch.." I held in a giggle, I guess Kuzuryuu isn't used to helping others while still trying to force himself to look a little tougher, despite his height.

I gladly took his hand as I pulled myself up and brushed the sand off of the side of my clothing where I fell, but I also brushed off the other places just to make sure. As my line of sight shifted and I each gave them a small, but genuine smile as my eyes closed a bit trying to seem cheerful and give myself the relaxing feeling I got when I looked over at the waves.

I opened my eyes, once again relaxed and looked at them. They seemed to even be smiling back at me. I looked up to the sky over the waves. I didn't even notice how long we've been here until I saw the sun about to set, turning the atmosphere into a blazing lilac sky that flowed over the horizon. I turned my gaze to the others with a calm monotone voice.

"Do you guys want to swim?"

They all turned to me with a smile and nodded except for Souda, who seemed slightly uneasy. "Ah..sorry guys I think I forgot my swimming trunks." We all looked at him with displeasing looks pondering on how to fix this situation. I brought my hand up to my face similar to as I did back in the hospital until I popped up with an idea in mind.

"I know the rest of us all brought our swimming trunks as well but..maybe we can swim in our boxers? It's technically the same thing only maybe a little more comfortable." I stated. Souda gave me a 'of-course-you-would-say-that' look as Kuzuryuu elbowed his arm as a sign to be nice. Hinata seemed a little flustered at the thought at first, but gave it some thought and agreed. "Yeah I don't think it would be so bad I mean, we are going to be in the water the whole time so we won't see each other until we get out but even then, we are all boys here." he responded.

♡I Won't Give Up On My Hope // komahina/hinakoma //♡Where stories live. Discover now