~Chapter 1~ Nice To Meet You

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"AHH!!!" I yell as I back kicked someone in the back of their neck. "That's what you get for hitting a child, bastard." I tell them.

I then bent down and grabbed the bag of silver coins he had on him and turned to the child. He looked at me up and down in fear. All I did was smile at him as I opened up his hand and set the silver coins in his hand.

"Here you go. Go on back home and give this to your mother." I direct the child then he nods and runs off.

I then stood back up straight and dusted off my shoes then I felt pressure against my neck. I then turned around and saw the bastard was back up and his knuckles were white.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask him as I put my hand on the back of my neck.

"Put some pressure on your neck. Hopefully, that poison would be enough to make you immobile." He answers then my jaw drops.

I then fell to the ground, hard, and grunted as I landed on the dirt. I was trying to move my hand away from my neck, but I couldn't even blink my eyes. He then just looks at me and chuckles then looks at his goons with him.

"Tie her up." He commands then one of the guys walk over and bend down towards me.

"Wrong decision, buddy." I say then I kicked the man upside the head then he fell over.

I then stood up straight and dusted off my hands and looked at the guy and his goons with a cold look then put my hands on my hips.

"You." I call out then he looks at me in fear then I point at him. "If I ever see you again, picking on little kids or attempting to poison people, I will kill you. You got that?" I ask him then he nods then I stepped toward him and him and his goons all took a step back then scrambled away like cockroaches.

"Now, go!" I shout then they were gone and I looked at everyone else and they were all hiding their children behind them. "Chill out, all of you. You saw me defend that kid, so why are you all hiding your kids from me? Sheesh..." I ask.

I then walk out of the crowd and started walking down the dirt road with my arms crossed over my stomach. Little kids were running past me at the speed of light and I would just watch them run by and smile.

"So adorable..." I thought.

I then faced forward as I was getting closer to Father's little medical care workshop thing and a patient walked out of my property. I then stood at the entrance and saw Father walk out of his little shack then I smiled.

"Father!" I call out as I jogged inside and he looks at me. "Can you check to see if I'm very poisoned?" I ask him and he looks at me in shock.

"Why would you be poisoned?" He asks me and I show him the back of my neck.

"I was saving a kid from getting killed. The guy who hit him put something in the back of my neck and I don't know if it would kill me." I answer then I felt him grab my arm and drag me into his shack. "But I did train myself to be immune to certain poisons, and I'm not sure if this is one of them."

"Well, you better hope it's one of them." Father comments then he looks at my neck and sighs. "You'll be fine. It's one of them that you're immune to." Father assures me then I sigh.

"Great! Well, I'll see ya later!" I tell Father as I started walking out of his shack.

"Why can't you just look like a girl for once? That's why you're almost getting killed everyday." Father asks then I look back at him with confusion.

"What?" I ask him then he walks closer to me.

"You dress like you're a runaway Cheonin villager. Others have asked me if you're really a half-bone." Father mentions then he sat down by a fire and I put my hands behind my back.

It Doesn't Matter Who I Am (Hwarang: Han Sung x Reader x Ji Dwi)Where stories live. Discover now