~Chapter 11~ End It All

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"I don't know why my Hyung picked you." Han Sung days as I kick the side of a dumby. "You guys don't like each other." He adds as he shrugs.

"I'm still asking myself that question also." I agree.

I then stand straight then cracked my back. I grunt once I here one loud crack that escaped my back and I looked at Han Sung as he looks at the sky.

I then look forward again as I sighed and sat down on the ground. I propped my arms up behind me to give me support then Han Sung scoots over next to me.

"Do you like being a Hwarang?" He asks me then I look at him as he looks at me. "Be honest with me." He adds then I flick his forehead.

"I'm always honest with you, dumbass." I tell him then I sigh. "I like being a Hwarang, but I feel like I'm a lot more skilled than everyone else and I don't need to learn much." I answer and Han Sung nods.

"You are much more skilled than everyone else, but you do also need to learn with us. There are things that you don't know that we need to learn." Han Sung tells me then I look at him weirdly.

"Since when'd you get smart?!" I ask him then he scowls at me.

"Don't make me tackle you." He warns and I held my hands up in surrender.

"I'm just making a comment!" I defend and he giggles.

He then pinched my cheek and I glare at him. I haven't seen him smile since our performance and that was when we performed together.

I then remember what he did after the two of us performed. I completely forgot he kissed me. My eyes then widen and I scoot away from him with my cheeks bright red. He cocks his head to the side and looks at me confusingly.

"What?" He asks then I gulp.

"N-Nothing. Let's finish training." I lie as I stood back up.

I grab the wooden sword and start hitting the dummy, in front of me, with it. I was hitting it very hard and taking out all my emotions on the dummy. I was harshly angry and I don't know why.

"You're not attacking the dummy right." Dan-Se says then I scoff.

"Go away." I tell him then I smack the dummy on the neck with my wooden sword. The sword snapped in half. "I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I add then I threw my part of the sword down and walk away.

I crossed my arms over my chest and walk to Ah-Ro's office. I walk in and see Sook-Myung there and Ah-Ro checking her blood pressure and heart rate. I stood at the doorway then Sook-Myung and I meet eyes.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you." She comments and my gaze didn't leave her.

"And I never wanted to again." I add then Ah-Ro freezes, she was stuck in the middle.

Sook-Myung and I have never gotten along. I've known her brother for a really long time and have known his identity for six years, while she doesn't have a clue who he even remotely is.

"Get out." I demand then Sook-Myung stood up.

"Do you dare talk to me like that?" She asks and we stare each other down.

"I haven't gotten to in a while, so it feels good to." I answer.

"Did you forget who I am?" She asks.

"Nope, I just don't care." I remark then I smirk.

"Jae-Eun, just stop-" Ah-Ro starts saying.

"Get out," I tell Sook-Myung again, "before I have to kill you." I threaten then Ah-Ro's eyes widened.

It Doesn't Matter Who I Am (Hwarang: Han Sung x Reader x Ji Dwi)Where stories live. Discover now