~Chapter 6~ Fighting's Fun

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"Se Jun...!" I hear Han Sung whine.

I roll over onto the other side then I felt a hand grab my arm and shake me. I groan followed with a whine then someone smacks my arm.

"Yah!" I call out then I sat up and look at Han Sung. "Why'd you wake me up?!" I ask him.

"Ji Dwi-hyung and his roommates are fighing." Han Sung tells me and I groan. 

I then hop off of my bed then march down the hallway. Everyone then looks at me as I opened Ji Dwi's doors to his room and saw him being choked by Ban Ryu. I walk in then I grabbed the back of his head with a chuck of hair in it, and yank him back, throwing him on the floor.

"Who the hell did that?!" He asks then I smirk at him.

"I did, what're you gonna do about it?" I ask him.

He then launches himself at me then tackles me to the ground. I then place my feet against his stomach and launch him off of me, causing him to land on his back and hearing loud ass cracking. I then got up and straddled him under me as I grabbed his throat then held my fist up.

"You wanna test me, dumbass?" I ask him then he flips me off of him and I groan since I hit my back against the door.

"That's enough!" Soo Ho calls out then he looks at Ban Ryu. "Didn't I say that this fight was between you and me?" Soo Ho asks then Ban Ryu punches him.

I then get up and kick Ban Ryu's legs out from under him and he falls on the ground. I then roll him over onto his back, pull his arms up from behind him, then step on his head with his cheek against the ground.

"Ah, so you have nothing to say now?" I ask him as I pressed my foot harder against his head. "Why is that? Is it because you've found someone that has guts to fight you?" I ask him then he squirms and I pull harder on his arms. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, clueless." I warn then I heard someone walk in.

I look behind me and saw a huge guy walk in. I let go of Ban Ryu then my arm gets twisted behind my back, along with Soo Ho and Ban Ryu. I start shouting out in pain then I bit my tongue to shut myself up. 


We all walk into the classroom and I glare at Ban Ryu from across the room. I wanted to smash his pretty face against one of the poles so badly, to the point that his nose is broken. But, I didn't want to get in trouble again then possibly get kicked out. 

Plus, I had to protect Han Sung and Ji Dwi. Han Sung, because he is the last true bone of his family. And Ji Dwi, well, because he's Jin Heung. 

We all then sit down and wait for the presentation to start, then Ban Ryu opens his snobby mouth and back talks Seon Woo. Then he mentions something about Ah Ro and I lost it. I got up and grabbed Ban Ryu by his shirt then I flipped him over my shoulder and he lands on his back.

"Say something about my sister again, I dare you." I warn then Ban Ryu gets up and lands a punch along my cheek.

"Was I talking to you?" He asks me then I smirk at him.

"Talking about my family, yes, so that obviously means you were talking to me." I say then Soo Ho gets up.

"You haven't started with me." Soo Ho says then he punches Ban Ryu across the face.

Seon Woo and I then take on Ban Ryu, until I'm yanked away by my hair by someone part of his clique. I turn around and punch the guy across the face then threw his head against a pillar. He holds his head in pain as he winces.

I then grabbed his shirt and threw him to the ground and kicked his side. Then my head was grabbed and I was thrown against a step, hitting my head off of it, blood pouring out of it. I yelp out in pain.

It Doesn't Matter Who I Am (Hwarang: Han Sung x Reader x Ji Dwi)Where stories live. Discover now