Chapter 4

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Arcee stared down her old teammates as they got into fighting positions. Behind her, Megatron, Soundwave, and the Vehicons stood watching, ready to see what she would do to them. These mechs seemed familiar to Arcee but she couldn't figure out where from. She just shrugged it off and got ready to attack.

The three mechs looked at her neither one wanting to fight her, "We need to somehow knock her out and take her back to base so we can reverse whatever Megatron did to her," Optimus told the other two.

"Right," Bulkhead responded.

Arcee ran at them, jumping up into the air at the last moment and kicking Bulkhead in the helm sending him staggering back a bit with his helm reeling. Bumblebee tried coming up behind her to grab her but she jumped up doing a backflip over his head, she rammed her blades into his shoulders and slid them down his back as she came to a landing. Bumblebee arched his back inwards as he cried out in pain, not only the pain of being injured but the pain of knowing the injury was being made by the femme he came to see as a sister. He fell forward landing face-first onto the ground.

Bulkhead transformed his servo into his wrecking ball and charged at Arcee. Arcee noticed the ball coming at her and she ducked out of the way while moving to Bulkhead's right side and running her blade across his side. Bulkhead yelled out in pain then turned around and swung at her again, hoping he would strike her this time and knock her out. It's the last thing he wants to do and he was hoping he didn't have to do it but it seems to be the only way. She again dodged the attack, this time slicing under his arm making it immobile.

Optimus went up behind her and grabbed her, putting her in a tight hold, "Ratchet, send a Ground Bridge, now!" He commed. Arcee pulled up her arms and sliced Optimus' arms making him loosen his grip. Once his grip was loose she pushed one foot off his leg making her go up over his head, slicing at his shoulder and neck on the way. Optimus grabbed at his shoulder as he stumbled.

Megatron grinned as he watched Optimus stumble while holding his shoulder. Seeing Arcee hurt the three 'Bots pleased him greatly, "She's doing very well. I'd say this is my best plan yet. Don't you agree, Soundwave?" He asked as he looked over at the silent mech. Soundwave looked over at him and nodded before looking back to the fight. He couldn't deny the femme had some great fighting skills, he's noticed how tough the femme was once he started doing research on her by orders of Starscream ever since the battle on Cybertron. 

He wouldn't admit it to anyone but he's developed feelings for the femme throughout the time of always researching her and all the run-ins they had with her. Ever since that time when Starscream captured her and Cliffjumper to try and get information from them. But he can also tell he's not the only one who has been developing feelings for her. He watched Arcee as she pulled in her blades, transformed her servos into guns, and shot at the mechs with one of the shots going into Optimus' back.

Optimus fell to his knees at the force of the shot that hit his back. The Ground Bridge appeared next to them as one of the shots hit a wall causing the mine to start collapsing. Rocks started falling all around them as Optimus looked over to the Ground Bridge, "Bulkhead, Bumblebee, get into the Ground Bridge and get back to base!" Optimus orders as he starts to slowly get up.

"Not without you!" Bulkhead said.

"I'll be right behind you!" Optimus informed as he made his way to the Ground Bridge. Bulkhead was helping Bumblebee to the Ground Bridge as rocks started falling all around them. Ratchet comes running in through the Ground Bridge to help them and sees the two trying to get to the Ground Bridge. After seeing that they're both hurt he goes over to help them through the portal.

Arcee looked at the rocks that fell all around her, she looked over at Megatron and then back to the 'Bots. She got ready to fire another shot at them when a rock fell in front of her diverting her attention, then a big rock fell on top of her, pinning her down. "Ratchet, get Arcee!" Arcee heard Optimus tell Ratchet.

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