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I changed into a black dress that fell around my knees, I slipped on some black heels before I headed down to the boys. They smiled and we all climbed into the van. I sat in the back with Calum, while the other 3 boys sat in the middle of the car. We finally arrived at the big house, the stereotypical party had red cups thrown all over the floor. Teens were everywhere and the music could be heard from inside the van. We all climbed out and Ashton thanked the driver.

"Behave boys, do all business here, no bringing girls home, watch out for fans and paps OK?" He asked, the boys all nodded and the van turned and drove away.

The four boys led me through the doors and we headed into the party, drunk people danced to the music and others headed upstairs...erm gross!

Luke, Michael and Ashton went off leaving me alone with Calum, he smiled at me and we walked into the kitchen he passed me a cup and I took a sip of it.

"Cal what is this?" I asked, making a weird face.

"Beer." He smiled.

"I don't drink." I mumbled.

"Now you do." He smiled, I nodded and took a sip, soon I finished the whole drink.

"Come on Skyla drink up!" Calum exclaimed passing me more and more cups, I laughed as my body slowly lost control of itself, I giggled and before I knew it I was completly smashed.

The music blared from every direction, Calum pulled me over to the dance floor and we danced together, my drunk body falling everywhere. Calum laughed and passed me more drink, I drank it down and jumped around.

"I'll be back soon." Calum told me before walking away.

"H-H-Hey Skyla-a-a." Ashton slurred obviously as pissed as me.

"HEY ASHTON!" I giggled, he smiled and grabbed my waist we began dancing and this wasn't normal dancing, this was grinding.

End of Flashback****

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, was that a dream or did it actually happen, if it did I grinded on Ashton Irwin!!

I groaned and crawled out of bed. I quickly changed into a crop top, jean shorts, a grey beanie and white converse. I stood up and headed into the bathroom, suddenly my stomach began churning and my throat burned, I dropped beside the toilet and began throwing up. UGH!

"SKYLA?" Luke's voice yelled. It's been 1 week since Luke kissed me and I haven't spoke to him for the whole time. Once I finished being sick, I unlocked the door, Luke looked at me and his smile faltered.

"Have you been sick?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think I've got a bug." I mumbled standing up, I won't let this get in the way though because it's summer. I love summer! I got up and brushed my teeth before I brushed my hair and walked outside.

"You're actually going outside, what if you're sick again?" He asked, I waved him off before walking out of the hotel. I bumped into Ashton and blushed remembering when we were smashed.

"Hey Ashton." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back.


"Ugh leave me alone Luke!" I exclaimed before walking away, Ashton followed.

"What's up with you and Luke?" He asked.

"I was sick earlier but I'm fine now." I told him.

"OK, do you want to go to the beach?" He asked, I nodded and he smiled. He opened his car and we hopped in, he smiled and drove us to the beach. I pulled out my phone and made a tweet.

@Skyla5SOS: Day down the beach with @Ashton5SOS :-) Big show later!! x

"So you were sick?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Don't you think you should go to the doctors?" Ashton asked.

"No, why would I do that?" I asked him.

"Cause what if it's serious, you could be pregnant for all we know!" Ashton exclaimed.

"I can not be pregnant! I haven't even...you know yet!" I exclaimed.

"I'm taking you to the doctors!" He said and turned around.

"ASHTON!" I exclaimed. He put the locks on and once we reached the hospital he made me get out. We walked inside and saw how packed it was.

"Ashton you can't make me wait in line for this, tomorrow if, I'm still ill, I'll make an appointment." I told him.

"OK, but I think you should stay home." Ashton told me, I nodded and he drove me to the hotel.

"OK, I'll see you tomorrow." He called.

"Yeah, bye!" I replied before walking inside, I got into my room and saw Calum searching through my stuff.

"CALUM!" I yelled.

"I thought you were going out!" he asked.

"Well I'm back but that doesn't mean you can go through my stuff!" I yelled.

"I was just looking for something." He mumbled.

"What were you looking for?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter." He replied before walking out.  I closed my door and climbed into bed, I hid under the covers and closed my eyes, slowly I fell asleep.


I continued dancing with Ashton for a while before he started kissing my neck.

"Ashton what are you d-doing?" I slurred.

"Shh." He mumbled, I nodded and suddenly I was met by a pair of lips, obviously I kissed back being how drunk I was.

"Come on." Ashton smiled, we weaved in between people and he kept pulling on my hand.

"SKYLA?!" I heard Calum call but I was already following Ashton.

End of flashback****

I woke up and looked at the clock, I had to do the boys' hair!!! I ran down the hall and into Lou's room, she had already started the 1D boys.

"Oh sorry I'm late!" I told her.

"It's fine, just hurry!" She exclaimed, I nodded and quickly sat Ashton in the chair.

"Um...I can remember something about the party." I told him.

"Oh same..." he drifted off.

"We danced, well grinded." we both said at the same time, we laughed nervously before I finished doing his hair.

"Well, I'm sorry about that." I mumbled her nodded before leaning up to my ear and whispering 'I didn't mind' in my ear, I stepped back and gave him a look before he walked off. I turned and saw Calum glaring angrily at Ashton.

"Hey Cal! Come on your up." I smiled, he smiled back and hopped into the chair.

A/N: HEY!!!

You OK?xx

This is a seriously crap chapter, I rushed so anyways, who do you think is the dad, did this chapter change your mind about it?? x



Thanks xx

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