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outfit in external.

I woke up to the sound of the bus stopping, I groaned and slid out from my bunk. I checked the clocked, 3am?!

"Alan? Why'd we stop?" I called to our driver.

"We're at our pit stop for the day." He told me, I nodded and grabbed some water, I'm in a tour bus with 4 teens that act like 2 year olds. They had My Little Pony cups.

I'm 3 months pregnant and I'm starting to show more but still fans aren't a tad bit suspicious. Either I'm really good at hiding it or they're really bad at spotting it. Obviously when they find out, I'll say it was one of my late boyfriends and not anyone from 5SOS. Even though I haven't had a boyfriend. Oh god, I'm in so much trouble...

"Morning." A voice called knocking me off my train of thoughts.

"Morning." I turned and smiled at Calum. He grabbed a cup and filled it with some tap water, he brought it up to his lips and sipped it slowly. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and yawned.

"Someone's tired." Calum smiled.

"Pretty much." I muttered, he smiled and put his, now empty, cup to the side.

"So do you have a scan today?" He asked quietly.

"Yep." I replied, sitting on the counter.

"Who's going?" He asked.

"Michael wants to go, I don't even know why." I laughed. Calum nodded and sat beside me.

"I guess, he wants to see his maybe baby." Calum smirked, I laughed and then Michael came in with only boxers on.

"Clothes please Michael." I laughed.

"You've seen less." He smirked.

"Not that I can remember it." I poked my tongue out.

"Wow you know for a 16 year old you're really childish." Michael stated.

"That's rich coming from you." I laughed, he poked his tongue out before grabbing a slice of left over pizza from last night. I left and went into the bathroom before doing my business and climbing back into bed.

*Few minutes later*

I can't sleep...

"Psst, Sky!" I heard someone call, I stuck my head out the bunk and saw Calum smirking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can't sleep?" He asked, I nodded and he motioned for me to come over, I did and he moved back.

"My mum used to tell me, when you can't sleep, it's because you need comfort." He smiled, he pulled me into his bunk and cuddled into me. I smiled and laid my head on his chest, his arm wrapped around my waist and he started humming. Soon I fell asleep.

*Some point later.*

"Should we wake them?"

"No they're cute."

"Wake them!"

"But she needs her sleep."

"Just wake them..." I opened my eyes and saw the other boys, I looked up and saw Calum, I pulled myself off him and climbed out, they were all dressed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you all up and dressed?" I asked, their hair wasn't very good mind.

"We are going to the studio, sorry I can't come to the scan." Michael muttered, I just nodded and hugged him.

"I'll go with you." Calum smiled, I nodded and went to have a shower. After I finished I changed into a oversized striped shirt, red jeans, black vans and red beanie-as I'm sure you've guessed, beanies are my thing. I walked out and saw Calum sliding on a beanie.

"So you're gonna come to the doctors with me?" I asked Calum, he nodded and I smiled.

"Yeah." He smiled, I said goodbye to the boys before Calum and I walked to the doctors. Once we arrived the doctor took us in.

"Ok, I'm Doctor Yvette, So what scan is this?" She asked, while I sat down on the bed.

"Uh...the 3 month scan." I smiled, she nodded and put the cold gel on my stomach, I flinched slightly and saw Calum grab my hand.

"So you're daddy huh?" The doctor asked Calum, he nodded already knowing I wasn't comfortable with sharing my personal life with a doctor I didn't know.

"OK, there's your baby." She smiled, Calum saw it and his eyes filled up.

"I'm sorry." He muttered brushing his tears away.

"It's alright, most fathers are like this, it's the unconditional love they feel for their child." The doctor smiled, I smiled back and she printed off a scan.

"Thank you." I smiled before we climbed back on the tour bus. Calum was really quiet on the bus, he just sat staring at nothing.

"Cal?" I asked him, the boys still weren't back.

"Yeah...?" He muttered his eyes concentrated on birds that flew around in the sky.

"Are you OK?" I asked him, I walked up and sat beside him, he pulled me onto his lap and his hand went under my top, feeling my baby bump.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just...I really want this baby to be mine." he muttered resting his head against shoulder, my mouth fell open and my eyes widened.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because...I really like you Skyla and if having a baby means I have a constant part in your life, then I'm hoping it's mine." He told me.

"So you only want this baby to be close to me?" I asked, quite harsh.

"No, I want this baby so I have something shared between us. Something special. I want this baby so we can be a family." He replied softly, I leaned into him and kissed his beanie.

"I really like you too Cal." I smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, I nodded and turned to kiss him.

"Yes." I smiled, he smiled at me and he turned the TV on. We watched a film, which I have no clue what it was. I basically just talked with Calum.

"So what about your family?" He asked.

"I have no aunties or uncles, I have a older sister called Storm, my dad left when I was 4 and I had to suffer 12 years with my mum on my own. After my dad left, Storm, who was 17, left and I just had to live with the thing I call a mother." I told him, he nodded.

"I know all of your family because I met them at that Meal before tour." I told him.

"Yeah, my mum was like 'That stylist is a really nice young girl' and I was thinking she met Lou so I was like 'Yeah sure, you've met her before'."  Calum laughed. I laughed and the other boys walked in, all laughing between themselves.

"Hey." They smiled, I smiled back and Calum got up and did their bro hug thing?

"I'm gonna get some sleep." I muttered, they all replied with a night and Calum gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. I hopped into my bunk and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: HEY!!



Thanks!! xx

OK updates will be a lot slower because school starts tomorrow, :'(((((((

So I'm sorry, i'm doing Maths homework at the moment, :'( THANKS xxx

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