Old Drafts and Short Scenes

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When i'm writing, often there's things that I have written and liked, but they didn't fall properly into my story.  I put them all in this collection so you guys could enjoy!  None of these stories are related in any way, so don't try and find out how they are related - they're not!!!

*This is part of a story I was trying to write, but I ended up scratching the whole scene because it didn't fit the story.  So I put it here...

~Start of scene~

“Okay class make sure you read the end of chapter three in your books, and we’ll discuss it tomorrow. Don’t forget that we have a new girl joining us tomorrow so....”  Mr Radar’s voice was drowned out by the bell, and students began to leave the room.  I followed the crowd out the door and started to walk to the cafeteria.   I didn’t really find much sense in what he had said.  I mean, I knew what he meant about reading chapter three.  That was just part of our homework.  But why, why did he have to remind everyone that my dorky Australian cousin was coming to my school?                                        As soon as I entered the cafeteria’s graffiti-ed doors I spotted Samantha and Remi sitting at our usual table, picking at their food. Samantha looked up and waved at me using her whole arm.  I grinned at my attention loving friend.  But unfortunately, to get to the happy paradise of our table, I had to walk past the Zombies.                                                                                                  The Zombies were a mass of super popular, super hot, super mean lifeless girls.  Which is why we call them Zombies.  Because they’re lifeless.  

~This part of my story evolved to....~

“So what are you gunna wear to the party this year?”

The words passed right through me without having any affect.  I was staring at the popular group.

How I hated them.  My hands were in fists.  They made me want to attack them.  And I would, if it weren’t for the fact that Christian (the boy I’d been crushing on since 5th grade) was sitting on the table next to them.  Drooling at them.  His electric blue eyes had lost their spark and gone soppy. 

  Whispering, giggling, gossiping, and talking about things like clothes, make-up, and boys.  They were huddled up together and leaning over their trays in order to make their discussion more mysterious.  They were all there; Jenifer, Chanel, Laurie, Tory, Bridget, and worst of all, Amanda. 

Amanda is like the devil to Samantha and me.  Ever since she got a bra a few years ago (and a real one, not just one of those singlet things) she was apparently too cool to hang around with us anymore, so she joined the popular group. She said that we acted like ‘immature babies.’

Bridget is probably the most annoying one.  She always thinks of everyone outside of her group as lower people.  She has a big fat, round head with nothing to show she has anything in it, and strawberry blonde which she straightens and dyes every morning.  The whole year level knows this because Henry Alexander yelled it down the corridor.  He even snuck into her house and took photos of her curling her hair just to show everyone.  I have no idea what that was supposed to prove, but it caused a lot of excitement.  Especially when Bridget found out and slapped Henry across the face.  The crowd which gathered around them was full of laughs and boys who were marvelling at her.  Many boys were saying that they loved a girl who could stand up for herself.  The whole event nearly made Samantha and I puke, so we had to run into the bathroom to escape from it.

            Chanel is a quiet but mean member of the popular group.  She was just a smart person who no one bothered to talk to.  She always brought these strange kinds of Chinese food her mom used to make for her.  Chanel was one of the popular group’s targets to make fun of, until they discovered that her family was loaded, due to her 27-year-old brother’s scientific research in the Amazon So Chanel was “beautified” by the popular group.  Soon, the glasses were gone, she wore a ton of make-up, her pimples had vanished and she was given a complete wardrobe makeover (with her brother’s money, of course).  She also started buying her lunch.  Her mom came into the class one day, to tell Chanel that she forgot her lunch.  Then Chanel went outside the classroom with her mom to talk about how much she hated her Chinese food and that she thought that she was a terrible mother.  (Which she wasn’t.  I’d love to have a rich mother full of money that cooked for me and gave me an allowance of $140 per week.)  The whole class heard Chanel yelling.  When they returned into the room, her mother’s face was stained with tears and Chanel’s head was held high with an I’m-better-than-everyone look on her face.  Her poor mother, who didn’t speak much English, just said “I go now.” And left.  Chanel was the last member to join the popular group, who now go on shopping sprees often.

Laurie and Tory are identical twins and are probably the meanest members of the group.  They have dark curly hair, blue eyes and a mole on their left cheek.  They are always picking on people and Jenifer is the leader of the group, with huge plastic earrings, jean shorts, and a see-through t-shirt which didn’t cover as much as it should.  The other girls had copied her look, but thankfully, Jenifer was the only one to wear a see-through shirt.  Being the leader, Jenifer is obviously the smartest

 I hate them.  Yet I want to be like them.  Maybe then, Christian would notice me.  And maybe I would even have more than the one friend who I’ve been ignoring for the past five minutes while she blabs on about her ski trip in Colorado.


I sat up straight, startled.  I turned to Samantha, who was frowning at me.

“Hmmm?” I tried to say as casually as I could.  Samantha is usually a quiet person, but if I’m not talking to her, she will start yakking to me.

“I was asking if you’ve ever been skiing.”  Samantha said.

“Oh, yeah.” I replied.  “I’ve been a couple times…”  I turned to look at the popular group again.  I heard Samantha sigh.

“C’mon Lizzie.”  She said as she dragged me over to the garbage where we dumped the scraps of food left on our plate.  Glancing back at the popular group, I saw that, as usual, they hadn’t eaten anything.  Apparently they were on a ‘diet’ which involved them staring at people and then making fun of them, or making loving gestures to boys, who often returned them.  Seriously, who is too popular to eat lunch? 


wow, this is nothing like what I write now! I'm going through the files on my computer and uploading them, and this was one of them! oh well, hoped you enjoyed anyway... 

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