The Runaways

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The class groaned at the sight of the stopwatches.   We knew what coming as Coach Higgens was passed them around to us.  “You have an hour and a half to complete the course,”  he told us.  I stare at the gravel path that winds around the school.  And sigh. 

“That’s at least fifty laps of the oval,”  I whisper to Amber.   She turns to me, her red hair reflecting the sun. 

“Not for us, Soph.”  I grin at her and tune back in to what the coach is saying to the class.

 “…want you to press the stopwatch as soon as you cross the line.  I’ll be waiting to check your names off here. “ He scratches his balding head.  “Everybody clear?”  The class mumbles a yes.  “I said is everybody clear?”   

“Yes coach!” We chorus. One kid even clicks his heels together and salutes, bringing a few giggles from the class. 

“Yes, sir!” he says.  Coach Higgens pretends not to notice and lines us up on the track according to previous times.  Amber and I are right next to each other.  She flashes me a mischievous smile.

“On your marks! Set!” The whistle blows and the group quickly separates across the track.  Amber is jogging alongside me, both of us at the end of the group.  We slowly jog around a building, out of Coach Higgen’s sight.  We both stop behind the building. Amber clears her throat and gestures to the wood fence that surrounds the school. 

“The world awaits!” she says in a mock tone. 

“After you madoiselle.” I joke.  Amber steps towards the fence and pulls hard on of the planks of wood.  It detaches itself easily, and Amber slides through the gap in the fence.  I follow her out, and replace the wooden board.  We push past the hedges and decide to walk down the street to the mall.  “I’m really surprised that no one’s found that loose board yet.” I say as we walk. 

“There’s a lot at our school that gets overlooked.” Amber says, picking a leaf out of her hair.  “besides, the staff just want you to think that they have everything under control.” 

“Don’t they?”

Amber raises her eyebrows. “How many times have we snuck out of Coach Blubbergut’s class?”

“A lot, but…”

“And how many times have we been caught?” Amber answers her own question. “None.” 

“You, Amber, can get away with anything.”  I say in amazement.

She flashes me a grin.  “I know. Come on, I’ll buy you a soda.”

We make it back within the hour Coach set for us, tossing the rest of our drinks in the hedge on our way in.  We splash some water on our faces to look like sweat, and come running around the track before most of the students have finished.  We head straight for the Coach with our stopwatches.  He pulls out his clipboard and writes down our times.  “Very impressive Miss Sullivian.”  He says to Amber. 

“All because of your training, Coach.” I try not to laugh as Amber winks at him.

“Phew!”  Amber says dramatically.  “That was hard!  I’m exhausted!”

I pretend to wipe sweat off of my forehead.  “I think I need to sit down.”

“hey,” Amber nudged me and gestured to the lady standing next to the Coach.  “I think Higgens has a girlfriend!  How did that happen?”

“I think that’s the school counsellor.”  I say.

Amber bursts into giggles. “Oops! My bad.”  I roll my eyes and laugh with her.

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