A bet

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"Are you kidding me?"  Charlotte folded her arms.  "I could get any guy in the school to go out with me."

Anna snorted and rolled her eyes. "You are so up yourself."

"No, seriously, it's true!" Charlotte protested. She hadn't asked anyone out before, but she was sure that she had seen enough flirting advice from April to be experienced enough in that area.  Anna looked thoughtful for a moment, before replying.

"Okay," she said.  "If you can't get a guy of my choice to go out with you, I will buy you coffee any time you want. But if I win, you have to buy it for me.  Deal?"

Charlotte contemplated the offer for a moment.  Anna could drink a lot of coffee, but then, so could she.

"Which guy?" Charlotte asked.  Anna couldn't surpress her grin.

"Him," she said, pointing at a tall boy with chestnut hair that flopped over his forehead.  His face resembled a statue of a Roman god.  Despite the increasing cold, he dressed plainly in faded jeans and a thin white shirt.  His defined muscles were visible through the shirt, and he had the shoulders of a swimmer.  His eyes were closed, and for some reason his eyelashes reminded me of the wings of a butterfly.  He was wearing headphones and nodding his head to the beat.  I hadn't seen him at school before.

"I don't want to interrupt him," Charlotte pointed out to Anna. "He seems like he's enjoying the music."

Anna just raised her eyebrows.  She wants Charlotte to go over there.

"I'll be enjoying my free coffees then," Anna smiled.

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