chapter 9

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"please fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!"said the woman over the loud speaker.i looked at Kelly. Next thing i knew she was on top of me! R lips moved in sync as the kiss deepened. Kelly let out a loud moan.

The others: don't stop get it! get it!

K: really my catch phrase!

I laughed and went back into the kiss. She tugged on my hair. I almost moaned. She did it again and i moaned. I noticed the hickey i had given her. Hmm, when did,that happen?

Kelly's POV

When we got of the ride I smiled at him. he smiled back.after that we all went to Leo's house. I went to the bathroom. I wonder what they're doing?

Liv's POV

Leo's twin cousin was visting! We,were gonna see if Kelly could tell if wasn't Leo. We made him put on the same thing as Leo. Kelly came down.

Leo's cousin: hey beautiful(hugs Kelly)

K:hey NOT LEO!

LC: how could u tell

K:1 u don't smell like him.2 his smile is WAY whiter.3 i couldn't fell his 8 pack u have a six.4 his muscles are slightly bigger.5 if I'm correct he should be right(sniffs the,air) here.

She goes right to the closet and there was Leo. We,were all,shocked."u should be a detective!"i said. I had never seen anything like it!"Leo! What is ur cousin's name?" Kelly asked. Hugging Leo." Kelly this is Zack, Zack this is,Kelly." The shook hands. I was,still in shock about Kelly.

Kelly's POV

me and leo were now alone looking up at the stars."Leo do u love me?" I blurted out."more the moon and stars. You?" He said."more than puppies sleeping." I said. "20 question? Even though we know this sfuff." He said.

Note none of this is true

K:fav movie?

L: the never ending story.u?

K:harry potter and the never ending story.fav animal?

L: dogs.u?

K: white tigers,w/ blue or green eyes.fav actor?

L: tom cruise. U?

K: I'm not saying this cause we are dating but u. U have always been. Ever since Leo's little big show.

17 questions later we went inside and watched kickin it. It was,the episode i was,in. I realize i was in my undies and Leo was getting turned on. I lolked down at his pants,to see his,boner popping out. I laughed."what?" He said." I didn't know u have a..." I could finish cause i started laughing. I pointed to it. He blushed."sorry. That happens when I'm--"" completly turned on? Not tonight buddy. Not tonight." I kissed him goodnight and went to bed. I woke up to this.

L: no kelly PLEASE don't do it! I love u to much! NO!NO! N-

K: leo please wake up!

L: ur not dead! I had a bad dream(picks me up and holds me) promise me something?

K: anything.

L: never kill ur self

K: leo i would never. If i did i would be leaving my wonderful life behind. Also my friends, my family, and you, my one and only true love.

I started singing blue by Beyonce. Everytime i said hold on to me he pulled me closer and closer. We,fell asleep and,woke up at lunch time.

K: leo what's for lunch?

L: Mc Donalds.


I put on a strapless aqua dress that complimented my carmel skin,black flats,and an big aqua hair bow. Leo had on a white shirt,leather jacket,and blue jeans. He also had on the shoes i got him.

Leo's POV

"welcome to Mc Donalds, may i take your order?" Said the lady." I would like a large fry, a ten piece nugget, and a salad" i said." Name?""leo howard." "okay pull up to the first window." I pulled up and the lady was shocked." Here u go." I said handing here the money." N-n-no charge mr. Howard." I strugged and pulled up to the next window. She handed us r food. She hand us a,strawberry milk shake." I didn't order this." I said." I know. Have a nice day!" Said the lady.


K&L: this has to stop.seriously! Damn u!

We both laughed. She put 2 straws in it."there better?" She said. I nodded.

Kelly's POV

" how are u gonna eat a ten piece nugget and large fry?" I asked." nope.You are" I started to whine." i'll feed it to u." he said"fine" he started to fed me. I ate 4 nuggets and 10 fries. when he wasn't looking I slurped the milk shake." AAAAHHHH!!! brain freez!" he started to laugh." can we invite Liv and the others?" I asked." of course! I love u." he said." I love me I mean u to." He gave me the sure u did look.

 Liv POV

"so kelly, what do u have planned?" I asked." I was thinking of swimming." She said. I heard Leo& Luke whistle." Oh cool how about we wear one pieces." I said. "NOOO!" Said Leo and Luke. Me and Kelly laughed."Can u wear my favorite one?" They both said. Me,and kelly walked upstairs to the guest room. "boys. U can take the boy out of the playa but not the playa out of the boy." I said. Kelly had on a white and gold frilly bikini that tied on both of the sides of her waist and around her back." Can u tie this?" She,asked. I was wearing a rainbow tie dye bikini that had slits in it."cute!" We both said. We went down stairs. The boys were whistling. me and kelly looked at each other and rolled are eyes. Kelly tried to tackle Leo but failed epic ly. She almost fell backward but leo catched her."what it there missy, don't wanna mess up that pretty face of yours." He said." Cannon ball!" Kelly yelled we all jumped in realizing Kelly hadn't jumped .she went to the diving board. She did five front flips, two front flips, and a perfect swan dive." That's my princess!" Leo said. Here hair was now strait and very long. Longer when its curly.

K:( whispers) hey Liv let's sneak under and scare them!

Liv: (thumbs up)

We went under. I grabbed Luke's leg and Kelly grabbed Leo's whooo!" AHH MY DICK! MY BALLS!" Leo said. Kelly and I resurfaced." It was u wasn't it?" Leo said. Kelly started laughing." Luke picked me up and carried me to the deep end and dropped me.

Kelly's POV

" yep it was me!" I said." Oh here's pay back!" He sqeezed my boob. " Leo. Richard.Howard! How dare u!" I sakd he was about to drop me in so i plugged me nose. I could hold my breath for 30 mins. I swam over to Liv who was in the very deep in. I waved. I swam over to Leo. I jumped on him and leaned back. Down came leo." YES!! FINALLY!!" I yelled. He pulled me back in.


Kelly's POV

" leo i have someone i need you to meet. It determines wether we can still date." I said as i brushed my hair.


Living With Leo in LA: sequel to the leo howard love storyWhere stories live. Discover now