Chapter 5

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        I knock on Asher's door, gulping to keep my worries down in my stomach. I have to work with him, at his house.
        No one has came to the door. I pull my old phone out of my pocket, checking the time. At least this junk works. 4:03pm, he should be home, right? Unless this is a trick of some sort.
        I knock again, and this time I hear footsteps racing down a flight of stairs. The door opens, Asher standing in the doorway. He steps aside so I can come in.
       I walk in, looking around at his nice house. I kick off my shoes on his welcome mat, setting them off to the side.
        He closes the door, giving my shoes a funny look. They were old, worn out, and practically falling apart at the seams. He doesn't say anything though, he just tries to start leading me up his stairs, it looks as if he's hurrying.
        I understand why after his mom walks in.
        "Honey, I didn't even hear you greet her!" His mom says to Asher. I also realize why he was so quiet.
        He let out a breath. "This is Riley, we have to work together on our project, and we should probably get started," he said, trying to rush out of there.
        "Oh, nonsense. Riley, honey, it's so nice to meet you," she said, instantly grabbing my hand and shaking it. "Do you need anything to drink or eat? Oh you know what, you two can go work and I'll get some snacks together on a tray and bring it up," she said, hurrying into the kitchen.
         "We better go before she comes back," he mumbles and heads up the stairs.
          I follow him, admiring how nice it is. We get to the top and he heads left down the hallway, opening what I'm guessing is his room. He walks in.
         I follow behind him, and he closes the door behind us.
        "Ok, so I got all of the craft stuff I own out," he said, pointing to the giant pile in the corner of his room. "And I was thinking we could make a 3D block pyramid, like a rectangle for each social class. Under the block could be the essay on some lined paper," he said. I was surprised he had so much planned.
       "Yeah, that's a pretty good plan. Then we can use that poster," I said, pointing to a blank poster in his pile of supplies, "to connect it to the social class from way back when, like slaves, merchants, kings and such," I said.
        The face on his look was something I can't describe. I forgot that I barely ever talk in school, but I didn't have a need to he quiet around him, we had to get something done and no one else was around to make fun of me, and I don't think he would for doing what we're supposed to do.
        I raise an eyebrow. "Just because I don't talk in school, I don't talk out of school. Because there's not a reason to stay quiet. We need to work on this," I said, trying to explain.
        His eyes just widened, he looked confused, impressed, and scared all at the same time.
        "Your voice isn't crackly," he said, still in awe.
        I roll my eyes. "Because I'm not talking quietly, and I don't have a reason for why I would be shy here. The only person to make fun of me is you, and if I'm helping you with your grade, it's doubtful you'll say anything rude," I explained.
        He nodded slightly. "So you're like, an actual human outside of school?" He asked.
         That's such a dumb question. "Not all of the time, but if you'd like me to crawl back into my shell I've created, I'll gladly do so if it gets you to realize we need to work," I said.
         He shook his head and before he could say anything, his mom walked in. She had two big bags of chips, a bag of popcorn, and multiple sodas.
        "Mom, I've told you to knock about 50 times now," he said.
        "Oh my, I forgot again. I brought you up some snacks, if you need anything else I'll be down in the kitchen," she said, leaving the room. "I love you Ash-Dee," she said before closing the door again.
         Asher face palmed himself. "If you even DARE bring that nickname up in school-"
        "I wasn't exactly planning on it," I said, cutting him off. "Your mom's super nice," I add.
        He shrugs. "She insists on making me breakfast every morning and stuff like that, it gets a little over the top," he said.
        I frown slightly, seeing that he was annoyed from having a loving mother. How much I hoped I could have that.
        "Well lets get to work, I guess," I say, going over to the pile of craft supplies.


        Over the next 2 hours are so, we continue working quite diligently. I'm writing the essays while Asher is doing the presentation part.
       I check the time, seeing it's 6:00pm now.
        "I should probably get going once we get to a good stopping point, I don't want to overstay my visit," I said to him.
        He shrugged. "Sounds good, we're eating dinner soon anyways," he said. "Thanks for agreeing to come over and actually let me do some work," he said.
        I'm about to speak, but I hear a knock on the door. His mother peeks in slightly, a very concerned look that she's trying to hide on her face.
        Asher notices it too, and I can tell he's as confused as I am.
        His mom comes in all of the way, her phone in her hands. My heart is pounding.
        "We have a slight change of plans. Riley, you're going to have to stay a little longer than you originally were," she said in her sweetest tone.
        I'm about to start asking questions, but Asher beats me to it. "What? Wait, what do you mean? How long? Did something happen?" He asked quickly.
        I can see Asher's mom's face drop. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, your sister has been in a bad car accident. Your parents are at the hospital with her, and they don't want you there alone because they don't know how long they'll be there," she said gently, a sad look on her face.
        My heart plummets into my stomach. "I-is she ok? How long am I staying?" I ask, this time beating Asher to it.
        "Well, she's hanging in there, but the accident was really bad. We don't know how long yet, but we do know it has to be at least until tomorrow morning, when they get things figured out. I'm so sorry, I'll try to make this as nice of a stay as possible," she said in such a soft tone.
        I feel my stomach start to turn. I have to spend the night with Asher. My sister. I want my sister to be ok, I want her to be here.
        "Dinner will be ready in about half an hour, I can bring it up or you can eat downstairs. I'm really, really sorry Riley," she said before exiting the room and closing the door.
         I turn to Asher, and reality sets in. I put my face in my hands and just start crying, I couldn't hold it back, not anymore. He would have to deal with it.
        He inches closer to me, patting my hunched over back lightly.
         "It's ok," he says quietly. "W-we'll have fun, alright? I'm really sorry, but I'll do anything you want, it doesn't matter how dorky or goofy it is. I'll do it," he says. I don't dare look up at him as I continue to sob into my hands.
        "There's nothing you can do, besides hope for the best. I'm really sorry," he whispers. "I really am."

20 reads! By the way, I know no one cares, but I'm going on vacation Saturday, and I probably won't post as much after then. I'm busy every day after I get back, then school starts. I'll try to get out chapters, but I can't promise anything. Anyways, thank you!

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