It was the next morning, and I awoke to my mother close to my face as usual.
"Asher, wake uuuup," she spoke gently, I could practically feel the love pouring out of her. I groaned in response, and she knew that was her cue that she could leave.
I finally swung my feet over the side of my bed and stood up. Looking around, I noticed how messy my room was. Who cares, I thought bitterly. I dragged my feet over to my drawers, grabbing a loose t-shirt and some black skinny jeans with rips on them. I fixed my hair a little bit, making sure it still looked like I didn't care.
I grabbed a granola bar and waved goodbye to my mom on the way out. My attention was brought to the bus stopped at my bus stop already.
I started bolting to it. My foot hit a hole and my leg buckled, my knees then face hitting the ground. I groaned but immediately got up, making it onto the bus.
I sat down in my seat, brushing off my knees then face. I made sure I still looked presentable and put my headphones on.
For the rest of the bus ride, I listened to my music that was blaring through my headphones. Everyone sure knew my taste in music now.
The bus arrived at the school, and I made my way off. I went to my locker, seeing Riley at hers. I shoved my backpack in, getting out my binders. I went into homeroom and sat in the seat where I was yesterday. I grunted, my ankle hurting slightly. I wiped some eraser shavings off of my desk with my hand, waiting for the announcements.
I wondered what was taking Riley so long, she was at her locker before me and she still wasn't in here. I heard the usual loudmouths in the hallway, but I heard something else that made me want to listen.
I heard a small, fragile voice along with a big, booming one that was laughing. Only Riley would sound that insecure, and I don't know which jock that is but someone is laughing at her. Again.
I try to make out the words, but I don't have to anymore. The jock (who I could now see was the main one of the group) had backed her up against a wall. She looked terrified. I wondered where our homeroom teacher was, they needed to see this. But it was too late.
I saw his fist fly backwards, and then jolting forwards with force.
I could hear her nose being hit from the back of the classroom. Everyone around me had gasped in unison. I flinched my head to the wall, not wanting to look.
After a few dreadfully long seconds, I turned my head around. The one who had punched her had ran off, so they didn't get caught. Riley wasn't standing there anymore.
She was lying on the ground, blood running down her face.•••
I didn't actually feel his punch. I think I blacked out before then, probably out of terror. All I know as when I opened my eyes, people were rushing over to me, my head was pounding like no other, and my nose was screaming in pain.
I knew my nose was bleeding, I didn't bother to bring my hand up to check. I felt it running down my face. I looked around at all of the faces. The only way I can describe what I heard was it all sounds blurry. There are no individual voices, it's all one, mumbling something I can't understand.
No one stood out in particular, except when I look over to my left. What? That can't be right. I squint my eyes, not really knowing if they see me staring at them intensely or not. Asher actually moved? And his looks worried, it's not a 'I could care less' look.
That can't be, it can't. He's never ruined his reputation, and he wouldn't over me. Maybe he was worried about the floor being all gross from the blood coming out of my nose. I will not accept that he looks like he has emotion. I was just hit pretty hard, maybe I'm dreaming, I think.
The voices start to become more clear, and my vision becomes normal. I realize how loud it is. I hear someone ask "Can you hear me?" I shake my head yes. I look back over to Asher.
Someone nudged him. "Hey wait a minute, why are you here?" They ask him. He narrows his eyes.
"I just saw someone get punched, of course I wanted to see this. Now get lost before you're on the ground beside her," he practically growled at them. They backed away and left immediately.
So he just wanted to see this because it would be cool to witness. That explains it.
I take deep breaths and slowly sit upright, my head dizzy. People have started to leave, pleased that they saw what happened. Asher was still here, and looked even more worried than before.
We make eye contact, I can see that he realizes I've noticed how worried he looks. He immediately puts his regular douche face back on and walks away.
I feel myself being hoisted up onto a wheelchair, knowing that I'm being taken to the nurse. I let out a breath of relief that I'll be away from everyone.•••
I regret immediately bolting out of my seat and rushing over to her. I regret showing my emotions on my face. But what I regret the most is I didn't try to help her. We both hate that stupid jock Kayden that punched her, I should've helped.
I trudge my way through the rest of the day, looking extra dead inside. After my last class, I take the way back to my locker that goes by the nurses office. The last bell rings and I hurry on my way.
I slow down when I pass the office, peeking in. I see she got her face cleaned up and is sitting on the bed. I let out a breath of relief and head to my locker. I pack up my things and head towards the exit.
My eyes flick to my right as I see her trudging her way through the people, keeping her head down. Her parents probably were working and couldn't pick her up, I think to myself. I walk out, keeping one eye over at her. I see she doesn't get on the bus, but turns down the sidewalk, where people who walk home go.
I'm extremely confused. I look at the buses, then to her. I'll follow her, I think to myself and realize how dumb the thought is. I snort at myself for being so dumb and get on my bus.
Why did I even think about going home late for that freak? Maybe that punch knocked some sense into her anyways, and she'll be better tomorrow. I know I'll be myself again tomorrow, unhappy, as usual.AUTHOR'S NOTE:
Two people read my last chapter! Thank you so so much, it made my day seeing that number go up 2 times, and that's not sarcasm. I'm sorry this chapter is so short and bad, I have a really bad headache and haven't been getting enough sleep. Thank you for making it this far, I'll try to make the next chapter better!

Fiction généraleRiley, a girl trying to support her family by working two jobs under aged, has to deal with school life, work, and life at home. • Asher has everything, a loving family, cozy house, full meals every day, but still has a reputation that he hates ever...