iFind Sam's Diary

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Sam's P.O.V

No, no, no... This cannot be happening! My diary is missing. That diary holds my deepest and darkest secrets. How could this happen. The last time I had it was before first period. I was writing in it in the janitors closet. When the bell rang and I was struggling to shove it in my backpack on the way to class. I accidentally crashed right into Freddie and my stuff went everywhere. I must not have picked it up. That hallway was so crowded. Anyone could have it now!

That diary did not have a lock on it. Hopefully whoever found it was a decent enough person not to read it. Nothing in there was that embarrassing. It's just where I wrote about my day to day life. There's a couple things in there about my past but that diary holds my one and only secret that nobody know and that nobody can ever know. Not even Carly knows! I have to find it.

Freddie's P.O.V

I found Sam's Diary. She forgot to pick it up when she crashed into me this morning. Who would've thought that Sam would write in a diary. I have to admit. I'm kind of curious to see what she writes in there. I mean she's tortured me forever she kinda deserves it. Ugh I feel like such a horrible person for wanting to read it. It's sitting in my backpack across the room mocking me.

Finally curiosity gets the best of me. I get up and get it out of my backpack and sit down on my bed to start reading. I quickly scam it to see how long she's been writing in this thing. There's a like two from when she's younger and the rest seem to be from over the last year. I open to the first entry.

4 October 2000

Daddy left. I don't think he's coming back. He said he was going to the grocery store last week and hasn't returned since. Mommy cries every night. So do I. Melanie does too. Why did he go? Was I not good enough? Were me and Melanie disappointments?  It hurts. My heart hurts. I wish he would come back. Mommy is getting worse everyday. She's started drinking a lot. She came home late last night. I think she was drunk. She hit me. She called me worthless. She told me I was the reason daddy left. I cried. I cried all night. It hurts. Melanie is going to boarding school soon. I'm alone. Nobody loves me.

Wow. I never knew. Sam is so brave and confident. I never knew she was so broken inside. I skip to the next page from last year.

12 November 2009

This can't be happening. I hate writing in this diary but I need to get this off my chest. I can't tell Carly. She won't be able to keep her mouth shut. I like Freddie. I know it's crazy. He's iCarly's weird geeky tech nub. I know it's stupid to like him but I can't help it. He won't ever like me. I'm horrible to him. I'm not mean because I hate him. It's because I like him. I'm too scared to tell him. I'm to scared to have a relationship with him or with anyone. Everyone I have ever loved growing up has left me. It's not worth the pain. I cried for years over my dad leaving. I just can't go through that again.

Sam liked me. Sam really liked me. I always liked her but I never told because I was afraid she break my bones or something. But this was a year ago. There's no way she still likes me. I flip to the next page.

24 January 2010

Why? Why do I still like Freddie. I don't get it. Why can't I just get over him. He's  on my mind all the time. When I'm with him and when I'm not. I'm still mean to him. I don't really hatIe him. I just hide behind the insults. If he finds out I like him he'll just leave too. But I just can't help how I feel about him. I love Freddie Benson.

I don't know what to think. This was written only yesterday. She loves me. Sam Puckett loves me. I really like her and now I know there's a lot less of a chance she'll break my bones if I tell her. I decide I should probably get this back to her. I fell so guilty for reading it. I leave my bedroom with the diary and grab my keys on the way out the door. I need to return this Sam. She's probably freaking out. She has to have noticed it's missing by now.

I go down to the parking lot and get in my car to drive to her house. It's only ten minutes away. When I get there I knock but no one answers. That's weird. I know Sam's not with Carly. Carly had some after school thing. Where could Sam be? I hear a loud thud come from upstairs. I grab the door knob and luckily it's unlocked. I swing the door open and run upstairs.

"Sam?" I yell running up the stairs. I go down to the hall to her room. I turn the corner and enter her room. "Sam!" I yell shocked. Her school stuff is spilled all over the floor. Papers, folders, books. Everything all over the floor. "What do you want Benson? You know it's rude to just walk into someone's house without knocking." she says to me. I lean against the frame of her doorway. "I did knock. Nobody answered." I shrugged my shoulders. "Just go away," she says, "I'm busy," she says.

"Looking for this?" I ask holding up her diary. Her eyes widen in horror. She runs up and snatches it from me. "You-you didn't read it did you?" I look down at her. She's a good five inches shorter than me. "What? Not even a thank you?" I say. "Thanks," she mumbles. "No problem," I say leaving her room and walking back down the hallway. "Hey and Sam?"

"Ya?" she says. "I love you too!" I smirk. "BENSONNNNNNN!!!" She yells running down the hall and tackling me.  She's hovering on top of me. She has a look of fear and anger in her eyes. "You read it!" she yells, "I'm gonna kill you," she screams. But before she can throw a punch at me I grab both her wrists and flip over pinning her down so that now I'm on top. "Now, now Sam. You wouldn't want to hurt the love of your life now would you?" I say.

"I'm not going to go out with you," she says looking extremely upset. "Sam, I really like you. I have for a while. Why can't we give this a shot?" I ask. "Because."

"Because why?" "B-Because-Because you'll just leave me! Everyone I ever loved has left me. Why would things be different now. I just can't-" I cut her off crashing my lips down on her. They were surprisingly soft and warm. After a few seconds we break apart. "I'm not going anywhere Sam. I love you," "I love you too," she says before kissing me again. So there we are in the middle of her hallway with me on top of her and her laying on the carpet kissing. Suddenly both our phones beep. We pull them out and than look at each other. It was Carly. The show starts in 15 minutes.

I quickly get off of her and help her up and we run downstairs and out of the house to my car. Telling Carly about us should be interesting...

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