dating harry hook would include ...

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written by : potter-imagines

Dating Harry Hook would include...

• Salty kisses

• Harry teaching you how to fight

• Stealing his hook when the two of you get into arguments

• "Y/n, love, don't do something you'll regret

 • Give me the hook back and we can forget this whole thing ever happen."

• Being close friends with his younger and older sister

• Harry being possessive over you

• When you first met Uma she would be highly skeptical over you but after seeing how happy Harry when around you, she started to take a liking towards you

• Gil would become a sort of brother figure to you after some time 

• An extremely airhead type of a brother but still a brother nonetheless

• Flirtatious comments left and right which consist of,

• "Hey darling, want to compare tan lines?"

• "I don't know if you've ever been fishing, but I think we should hook up."

• Which would earn a slap

• He would probably steal you gifts 

• "Harry... where did you get this necklace? There's blood all over the chain."
"Yeah about that-"

• Getting a tad bit jealous when you see Harry flirting with other girls. You knew it was just his nature and he meant no harm but it still got under your skin. "Aw darling, is someone turning into a green monster? You know those girls don't mean a thing to me. You're the only one I care about."

• He would love interrupting you with kisses

• A lot of teasing and playful banter Harry becoming extremely jealous over you close friendship with Jay and Carlos

• Just as you become a bit envious over his tight knit bond to Uma

• Adventuring around the Isle together

• Helping Harry do his eyeliner on mornings when he's too tired and him doing yours

• He'd be a touchy boyfriend and constantly have his arm around your shoulder

• PDA all the time

• He's not a huge fan of saying 'I love you' and extremely mushy stuff but he shows his affection for you in other ways 

• Like holding your hand and helping you onto the ship

• And defending your honor by punching out some bloke who made a rude comment about you 

• Accidentally scratching you with his hook which he spends weeks apologizing for, hardly daring to touch you in fear of it happening again

• "Harry, accidents happen! It's okay, you can hardly even see the mark."

• "I don't care if you can't see it, love. I hurt you and I promised to never do that."

• Finally getting him to cave in after putting on a show of fake tears which he catches onto moments after pulling you into his chest "You tricked me? I'm actually impressed, sweetheart." 

• You two would be a very fun loving and humorous couple that knows how to have a good time

• Having to pull Harry back down when he gets a little out of hand "Harry chill, I think they get the message." 

• Harry begging you to let him try to braid your hair 

• And he surprisingly does a nice job

• "Yeah, my mom wasn't around much so I had to learn myself. My sisters had the best hair stylist the Isle has ever seen!"

•Stealing his hat on multiple occasions  

His large ego would be the root of most of your fights

• But he would make it up to you by forcing you to cuddle with him at night as a form of apology 

• Most of all, Harry putting your safety and security above everyone else's including his own

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