Return to the Isle

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written by : daughterofgaston

[Y/N] sat in her shared dorm that she shared with her twin brother Carlos, her headphones in her ears as she did some homework, looking up when she noticed the door open and shut, pulling an earbud from her ear as she watched as Chad Charming entered their room. "What are you doing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow when he jumped.

"Oh, uh just using the 3D printer..." He began to explain, him quickly shutting up when she raised a hand.

"Out," She commanded, tisking her tongue whenever he tried to argue, only looking away from him when the door opened again and Carlos and Jay both entered the room, them both freezing when they saw Chad.

"Out," Carlos commanded, which made [Y/N] giggle some because the two of them were more alike than either cared to admit, raising an eyebrow once more once she noticed that they were attempting to make a copy of Fairy Godmothers wand, and apparently Chad noticed as well because he questioned them on it. [Y/N] rolled her eyes when Carlos began to panic, knowing he was hiding something but she'd get the truth from him eventually, or rather from their shared dog, Dude.

"Ben's been captured!" Dude said, which made her jaw drop in surprise.

"Dude can talk?" She asked to no one in particular, then she turned her attention to her brother and Jay. "Man, when you say that you're teaching him new tricks you sure mean it." [Y/N] joked, laughing to herself while her brother just continued to make the wand and Jay kicked Chad out.

"[Y/N], you can't tell anyone," Carlos said as he typed into the computer, to which you scoffed.

"I won't tell anyone because I won't be here. I'm coming with you. Carlos, why didn't you tell me you were going back to the Isle? I'm your sister...we don't keep secrets. On another note, why didn't you tell me Dude could talk?" [Y/N] argued, crossing her arms and standing up to go over to her brother.

Carlos sighed and ran his hand through his shaggy hair, looking at his sister. "I didn't want to risk you getting hurt, I know how much you hate the Isle. I wanted to protect you." Carlos said as he looked at his sister with sad eyes, him unable to forget just how sad his sister had been on the Isle of the Lost. How he almost gave up the chance to come to Auradon just so she could, but luckily Ben allowed them both to come.

"Carlos, I may hate the Isle, but I love you. You're my brother, and if you go to the Isle, I go too. That's how this is." [Y/N] told him in a gentle voice, going over to him and giving him a hug. "So this means you have no choice, you have to bring me to the Isle. I'm not going to risk you... and you still didn't answer my question about Dude," She asked with a laugh, which both boys joined in and Carlos gave in.

A few hours later, the phony wand was finished printing, so the three teenagers hurried their way to the limo, [Y/N] dressed in her clothes from the Isle which she hasn't worn since first arriving in Auradon. Carlos, noticing her dismay, reached over and took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Don't worry...I won't let anything happen to you." He promised as he looked at her, to which she gave him her typical shy smile.

"I know."

Upon their arrival back to the Isle, an unseen force gripped her heart in fear, flashbacks suddenly coming to her as she looked at the ever familiar scenery of the Isle. 'Be strong, you have to. Carlos would never be afraid like this. Be strong.' She repeated to herself, getting out of the limo and hugging Mal and Evie. "[Y/N], what are you doing here?" Evie asked her.

"I'm here to help get Ben back, what does it look like?" [Y/N] asked as she looked at them, running her hand through her black hair that had white streaks through it, and she could see the look of worry in everyone's eyes. "Guys, don't worry. I'm not a child, I can handle being here. I lived here sixteen years. What's one day going to do?"

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