an idiot not to

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written by : imaginecharacters

You raised an eyebrow at the two villain kids that stood before you. Jay and Carlos all but broke into your room, talking before you could even yell at them or say hi. Jay started talking about how Ben went after Mal and ended getting captured. Carlos took over, waving around the fake wand they're going to give Uma.
"Will you help us?" Jay interrupted Carlos, looking at you with desperation. Something that you've never seen grace the son of Jafar's face. "You know how to fight dirty and won't be afraid to slap of pirate around."
"I suppose that's true, they're nothing to be scared of." You said airily with a smile, looking at the two boys with a smile. You're the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, a villain that no one, even other villains, paid no mind to. She wasn't much of a threat, but you were. You learned how to fight younger than most kids had to. You took what you want, when you wanted it, and no one fought you on it. A poor street merchant learned the hard way.
Carlos nodded. "You'd do it all the time before we left. You were never scared of Harry..." His voice wondered off as the two boys remembered how things ended with you and your ex boyfriend.
The smile slowly slipped of your face at the mention of Harry. He's most likely going to be there. Even before you left to come to Auradon your relationship with the son of Hook had gotten tense. He joined Uma's crew and never left her side. It seemed like you weren't enough anymore for him, so the day before you were scheduled to leave you broke up with him.
"(Y/N)," Carlos said, snapping his fingers in front of your face. "I know he's the last person you want to see, hell, even Uma is, but we need your skill. Are you in?"
You took a deep breath, slouching a little before mumbling to yourself. Even though the Isle was the last place you wanted to go, you knew your friends needed you. Ben needed you. The idiot king. You made a mental note to yell at all of them later.
"I'm in."

You were the last one to step foot on the docks, the familiar smell of salty ocean air and multiple different foods cooking welcoming you back. As much as it was comforting, it was also painful. It brought back up memories you tried so hard to repress this past year. Memories of you and Harry on dates on the beach, or playing just on the ocean's edge splashing each other. A short walk from here was the chip shop, where he first asked you out. Too many memories– painful memories– clouded your mind. You shook your head. You needed to focus on the task at hand. Saving Ben.
"Guys, they're here!" You heard someone, Gil, you noticed when you looked over at the ship, yell. You felt a twinge of guilt when you saw the blonde boy. He doesn't belong to be stuck on the Isle.
Uma and Mal started arguing, you weren't really listening. You were trying to keep your anger under control, all you wanted to do was reach out and punch Uma in the face. She's the reason Harry change, that he become crazy with wanting approval. It's all her fault. Enraged, you looked away from the smirking pirate captain, and noticed Ben being dangled dangerously close to the end of the plank by none other than Harry Hook.
He didn't seem to notice you, too busy with watching Mal and Uma. You knew you should look away before he catches you staring, knowing it wouldn't go down well, but you couldn't. When it comes to Harry, even after a year and all the hurt, you were helpless.
"You're just as heartless as your mother." Harry's last words to you rang in your head. Your chest grew heavy, moving your gaze to the ground as Harry looked over at your group, his eyebrows raising when he saw you.
And apparently, so did Gil. "Oh, hey (Y/N)! I didn't see you behind Mal. How have you been?" He grinned, making everyone look at you. Dammit.
"Hi Gil," You said with a smile, hoping the heartbreak in your eyes wasn't noticeable. This whole situation is so messed up. "I'm good."
"Just good?" Uma said, turning her glare to you. "What? Is the land of princesses not good enough for you? Not pink enough?"
You glared back just as hard. "No, Auradon is great actually. I'm just pissed that I had to come here to save my friend because, like usual, you got your feelings hurt and took what wasn't yours."
Uma let out a laugh, stepping closer to you, pushing Mal aside in the process. "Actually, Ben is our king too, is he not? So really, I did take what was mine."
"People don't count as things or property," You drawled out monotonously. You glanced over at Harry to see him watching you, an unreadable expression on his face. Sadly, Uma saw it and she laughed, again.
"Or is this not about Ben at all? Are you still sad over your stupid little breakup," She said in a mocking sad tone, pouting for affect. "Well guess what (Y/N), in my opinion, he's doing so much better without you. He's reaching his full potential."
You didn't have a reply to that. If you even opened your mouth you would explode and say things you don't want to say out loud. So you closed your eyes, clenched and unclenched your fists and tried to calm yourself. But it wasn't working. Ua was still laughing at you, the crew joining in. This was humiliating.
There was a storm of anger ranging in you, a feeling you haven't had ever since you left the Isle. You swore to yourself (and to Ben) that you wouldn't let your anger and old ways get the best of you. But now, you were having great difficulty controlling it.
So why fight it?
You opened your eyes and swung, your first colliding with Uma's jaw with a satisfying hit. She stumbled backwards in surprise, holding her jaw. The shock only lasted for a moment before her eyes turned to slits and she tried to hit you right back. Chaos soon followed, the rest of her crew running around the two of you to fight Mal and the others. So much for a peaceful trade.

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