Jay and Harry Fighting Over You Would Include...

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written by : demigod-imagines

-You and Jay became friends when Mal and Ben started dating. He did flirt with you but because he flirted with everyone, you didn't think anything of it.
-Jay didn't want you to know that they were going back to the Isle but you found out anyways. He wouldn't let you go though. He knew how dangerous the Isle was and he didn't want you to get hurt.
-As soon as they get back from the Isle, he goes to find you to tell you that they're okay
-It's about 2 weeks after the Cotillion when Ben announces that he's bringing over another group of villain kids
-As soon as Harry gets out of the limo, his eyes lock onto yours and he is instantly infatuated with you.
-And what Harry Hook wants, Harry Hook gets. Jay knows this all too well
-It starts off small. Jay starts leaving small things outside of your door like flowers and other small trinkets he thinks you may like.
-Harry would tell you stories about being a pirate and just try to keep your attention on him
-This pisses Jay off so he decides to kick it up a notch. He asks Evie for advice. She gives him a new necklace she designed to give to you.
-Instead of leaving it at your door, he hand delivers it to you. You absolutely love it and he helps you put it on.
-The next time you're hanging out with Harry, he asks about it. When you tell him, it's like a moment of realization. He just inwardly smirks because he's not afraid of competition, not like Jay was
-Nonetheless, Harry goes to find Jay because he loves confrontation. Jay tries to tell him to back off. "Nah, I don't think I will."
-This just leads to full out war.
-Jay would invite you to eat lunch with him before Harry could because you have first period together
-In retaliation, Harry asks you to "tutor" him in math. You agree and during your study date, it's a lot more of him flirting and you blushing like mad
-Soon enough, Jay gets tired of this game of trying to out do one another so he just decides to tell you how he feels
-Because Harry is a sneak, he gets word of Jay's plan and tries to beat him to it.
-It ends up with both of them outside of your door, arguing loudly. They only stop when you open the door
-"What's going on?"
-"Jay was just leaving." "No! I wasn't."
-"Listen, (Y/N). We both like you. A lot. Do you feel the same way about either of us?"
-Whoever you choose is up to you

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