Chapter 16 - I'm gonna hurt you

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Chapter 16

I'm gonna hurt you

"Excuse me? C-Could you help me out?" I nod my head and make my way over to the boy in crutches.

I make my way over in front of him and stand on the stool, reaching for the top shelf. After handing him the book, I turn around and walk through the library in search of something to do.

Suddenly, I walk into a firm chest and my eyes meet Michael's.

"What are you doing here?" He asks smiling.

"Honestly, I have no clue," I respond. I just needed somewhere warm besides my own home.

"People who hate English like you shouldn't be here." I laugh as he continues, "Wanna get out of here?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I say, I could deserve a little getaway.

He grabs my hand and we run out, shaking the floor and having everyone hush at us.


"Fuck the whole fucking world and especially fuck our stupid fucking high school!!!" I scream on top of my lungs.

Michael was driving dangerously fast on his motorcycle and I was wilding.

On the back, my arms wrapped tight around him, I was absolutely loving it. We were going so fast on the highway and the lights flashed all around us of the bustling city. I was loving this moment and I never wanted it to end.

I wanted to forget everything that I had to deal with in my life. Right now, this moment was letting me breathe. I started screaming and I felt Michael chuckle beneath my arms.

"Woooohhhhh!!!!" He screams and I throw my head back and laugh.

Fuck life. Honestly? I'm fucking tired of this bullshit.

"Oh my know what I just realized?"

"What?" He shouts in response.

"Ashton said he didn't have any family problems. But he lied. "

"That kid has a too many problems."

"You know about that stuff?"

"I know the general gist of it. " He hollers and I couldn't help wonder, were Michael and Ashton actually close?

Did Ms. Sayeh stop Michael from getting...too close?

I don't respond and let the wind slap my face. My hair was snapping wildly as we rushed through the world. Everything was going so fast at once and slow at the same time.

He slows down at a red light and we come to a complete stop.

I take a deep breath.

"I, Dalia Golightly am in love with Ashton Sayeh!!" I say.

I feel Michael chuckle and I smile hugging him tightly.

Everything was going to be okay.


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