Chpater 20 - Infinite, Undying

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Chapter 20

Infinite, Undying

"Come on, we have to be quick it's raining," Mary says.

I trail after her through the wet grass towards our destination.

First, we go to my mom.

"Mom, I miss you still. And for a millisecond of my life that missing part you took from me when you left was back when I met him. But now I have an even bigger hole in my heart. I'll talk to you next week. Love you," I say.

Mary clutches my hand tighter as the world starts to rain on us.

We make our way to Elliot.

"Elliot you're so stupid, none of this would ever have happened if you didn't let him drive. Well, it wouldn't have happened if he just didn't drink. Elliot...Elliot, I miss you and I never even met you, but I feel like you and I would have been such good friends. Then again, you seem like the guy that can be friends with anyone. Love you. "

Once I'm done I repeat what I did with my mom's gravestone.

I place dahlias on the dirt horizontally.

The closer Mary and I got to him, the tighter my chest felt and the harder it was to breathe.

Once we were there I read the tombstone, as I would for the rest of my life every Sunday evening.

Ashton Sayeh

1999 - 2017

By the time you swear you were his,
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is
Infinite, undying,
Lady make note of this,
One of you is lying.

- Dorothy Parker


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