Chapter 18 - Suicide

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Chapter 18


For Ashton Sayeh, the weight of his best friends death haunted him more than anyone could ever imagine. He never let it show, what people did see was the small hint of remorse and guilt.

His parents strayed away from their child farther than ever once realizing his insanity. Lost and alone in the world after the major tragedy had taken place, Ashton was gone way before Dalia arrived.

He was a flower. Much like a chrysanthemum, maybe a daisy or better yet...a dahlia. A big blooming flower, one that had been plucked off, and put in a vase to show off its beauty. Unfortunately, we all forget to water our plants every now and then.

In Ashton's case, he was given love at the wrong time. A stage of his life where he felt there was no going back to being his usual self.

After professing his love for his girlfriend and loving her in all ways possible, the once young, innocent boy took his own life.

His girlfriend awoke to find lying next to her, the lover, dead, a corpse. After making sweet love to her, he let her sleep in his arms while relishing in her sweet fragrance, her soft touch and the warmth of her body one last time. Quietly, he slipped from her arms and went to the bathroom.

The depression pills that he was told to take along with God knows other medication mixed together in a colorful splatter spilled into his hands. And with one swift action, they were down his threat. He quickly wrote his remaining words to the world on a crumpled piece of paper he found on his bedroom floor.

He jumped back to his bed, one last time and kissed his beautiful girl, whispering words of apologies and eventually drifted off into a long sleep.

He never woke again.

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