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Coran was the only one awake, a soft and sad smile on his lips. He was thrilled that everyone was so happy anymore, even with the threats that loomed overhead, there were moments of absolute happiness. For that he was thankful. He had Allura as a companion and the paladins like his children he'd always watch over, people he vowed to help protect. But he was missing that part of himself that was taken all those years ago.

The red haired male sat on the ledge of the large window looking outside, curled up in this little crook. It was a safe place whenever he was alone to think and open up. He sighed and pulled out a faded picture from the inside pocket of his jacket, looking down at the two males in it and his hand slowly shook, followed by the rest of his body. He looked back out the window and slowly closed his eyes as memories flooded his mind.

"Hurry up Coran!" The raven haired male laughed, looking back at Coran as they ran. The two were on their way to their spot, just on the topmost hill within range of the castle. The two would watch the sunset there together, relaxed and happy together as always.

"The sun is still up, what are you in a hurry for?" Coran laughed, the biggest smile on his face as he followed and caught up enough to hold the others hand. They slowed then, smiling as they swung their hands together.

"Because I want to get there." The other teased softly and set out the blanket as they got there.

"You're more hyper than normal." Coran hadn't always been the silly male he turned into, always wanting others to smile and be happy. It was Dragoste that had turned him into the male he was always known to be.

"I just want to watch the sunset." Dragoste insisted, smiling at Coran and sitting with him, holding onto his hand.

The two had grown up together, seen each other at their worst and best, and still they were in love. Coran the one to reign Dragoste in and the latter made Coran loud and happy, eyes sparkling whenever they were around each other.

Coran had his head on Dragoste's shoulder, sighing happily and he felt him shift around. "You alright?" He asked softly, voice barely above a whisper and he picked his head up.

"Huh? Oh yeah, completely fine." He insisted and gave Coran a smile. The two looked out towards the sunset then and Dragoste sighed softly, something plaguing his mind. He never sighed that much unless something was.

"Alright, something is up." Coran said softly, concerned for his love. Dragoste only smiled softly, still staring at the sunset.

"Coran I love you, more then anything. You know this right?" He said softly, looking at Coran with a raised eyebrow.

With this the red haired male was confused, was this it? The worst moment of his life, was Dragoste leaving him? "Y-yes I know.." he replied quietly, looking at him and it was obvious he was nervous and honestly a bit afraid of where it was going.

Dragoste only smiled at his Coran, his beautiful man. His heart swelled and he pulled him closer. "I don't think you do, I see that look in your eye my love. You know I'd never hurt you." He said softly and kissed his lips just lightly, to reassure him. "But I do have some big news, either way." He laughed gently, kindly.

Coran felt a wave of relief pass over him as he kissed him back, he knew it had been silly but he loved him. Love makes you silly sometimes. "Well then tell me this news without giving me a heart attack." He said softly, a quiet laugh following.

While Coran had been distracted by the kiss, Dragoste had slipped his hand in his pocket and pulled out his surprise. "I've decided that.. I wanted to ask you a big, big question." He whispered, looking at Coran and taking his hands. "Coran, please do me the honor of being my beautiful man, forever?"

Coran' eyes widened as he asked his question, gasping quietly and tears were in his eyes just waiting to spill. He tackled the male down onto the ground, kissing the love of his life harder than he'd ever had before. He cupped his cheeks, Dragoste holding his waist and rubbing his lower back. "I guess I should take that as a yes?" He teased and Coran only whined.

"Of course, now shut your mouth and kiss me." He mumbled happily, the two sitting up again and holding each other close. The ring slipped onto his finger, fresh tears spilling then. "I love you so much Dragoste. More than anything." He whispered and pressed tight to his chest. That night was perfect, they ended up falling asleep on their hill and woke in each other's arms.

That day though turned to the nightmare they knew was coming. Even with their happiness they both still had jobs to do, Coran being the one to watch over Princess Allura and Dragoste being a guard, both knew something could happen any day. They kissed each other goodbye and promised to see each other the next sunset, Coran hanging onto his shirt for a bit longer.

"I'm scared of you being hurt my love.." he admitted, though he'd said it time and time again. He felt the gloved hand cup his cheek as always and felt his lips on his, kissing him deeply and lovingly.

"Just know that if something were to happen, though it won't, I spent my last breath saying I love you, Coran." He whispered and kissed him again.

Coran cried softly as he kissed him back again, hugging him tight until they had to pull away. "I'll see you soon enough." The red head promised and watched as Dragoste walked off to his station.

Explosions shook the castle, Coran and Allura with King Alfor, Dragoste no where to be seen. Coran kept his cool though, he had to live, he had to. He clung to the ring on his finger for hope, knowing his love for that man would keep him safe. He heard the king and princess argue about what they were to do with Voltron, but he couldn't care less. He saw her fall and lay in the pod to sleep for who knows how long and looked at King Alfor when he turned to him.

"Coran, you need to go with her. Please.. I only trust you to watch over my daughter." The red head's eyes widened and he backed away.

"M-my king.. let me find him.. I-I need to tell him first.. I swear I'll come back but.. I need to see him." He begged and fell to his knees crying. He shook as he was picked up and placed in the pod.

"NO! PLEASE! DRAGOSTE!" He cried out as it closed around him and he watched as the raven haired male ran in. They tried reaching out for each other, though it was useless. Coran was placed in his chamber and watched as Dragoste was blown away by a new blast. "Dragoste...." he mumbled before falling into slumber.

Coran felt the castle shake, as if his nightmares were coming to fruition, but no. It was the same feeling but real again. All to real. He looked around quickly and back outside, gasping when he saw Galra ships nearby. He wiped at his face and ran, shouting to wake everyone, anyone, up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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