42. The Past (Part 1)

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Francesco was suddenly finding it hard to function. It felt suffocating standing there towering over his own son and giving him and ultimatum. Vincenzo couldn't beat him in this game. He knew more than he did. But it didn't mean he enjoyed it. This was not how he wanted that night to be spent. He wanted to be at home sitting next to the fire place talking to his family and have cups of tea with cake. He wasn't planning on standing in the basement of his father and threatening his own son with consequences of his actions. As much as he wanted to teach his son a lesson this method wasn't his method of choice. He was having a strange feeling. It was like reliving his time he had spent there... He didn't want to be his father. He didn't want to be the man his father was. He didn't want to intimidate and threaten his blood. It was all his father's fault for forcing him to act this way. This wasn't him. He looked at his son who was sitting silently and deeply in thought. He was hoping he conceded. He didn't want to be his father. He didn't want to have to be hard on his son. He reserved that for his enemies. What he was going to be forced to do was going to scar his son for life mentally. He had to kill. He had to make a blood bath.

Vincenzo was looking up at his father. He wasn't concerned with the ultimatum. His mind was occupied with his father's reaction. It did imply he had been here before. But his grandfather hadn't shared that information with him. His grandfather had said his father didn't like to come to that building with certainty. But Vincenzo hadn't been too curious to know why. He did not think it was important. There were many places his father didn't step foot in for security reasons. This building had been through so much. The area around it used to have a lake but it was dried now and instead hotels were built in place of it. It used to be a vast property that was residential but now around it, there were buildings. They all belonged to the Rosarios but the Sicilian Rosarios. The set of buildings were enclosed with walls that had security cameras on them. His grandfather didn't think his father would come but he had. Maybe it was a security measure but his father had nothing to fear from grandpa Paulo. Or did he? Was it fear? He didn't see fear in his father's eyes. He couldn't read the emotion.

Francesco said "Three minutes." He then he was haunted by his memories that forced him to sit down. He continued to stare down his son but his mind went back in time.

It was the year 1950. It was right before meeting Adele. Francesco had been out late boxing with the guys. O'Neil was with him too. They had come back to his house. Francesco could always count on O'Neil. He was the only man he fully trusted in his life.

O'Neil had seen his father's car "He is home early... Damn."

Francesco had shrugged "Its not like it matters... I have no curfew."

O'Neil said "I know but I don't want you to get beaten up again like you did last night. Don't argue with him. It's not worth it. This is not a fair fight."

Francesco had chuckled "You talk as though I have a choice in the matter."

O'Neil had sighed "You are right... But you do have some choices. Come to my house. My parents will adopt you and costanzo."

Francesco had said "And Leave my mother's fate at his mercy. I only stay with him so I can get information on her safety. If she dies I will kill him."

Emanuel had said "I get it. You don't complain to anyone even the Don just because of your mothers life that's in his hands... But you don't know if she is alive still."

Francesco had said "If she was dead he would tell us. He has to. If he denies me and costanzo her funeral we can go to the Don."

Emanuel had said "Don Vitorio should act... Why can't he adopt you?"

Francesco had said "My father is his favourite son. No one reports my father to his family. No one has ever told the Don that his son is a useless father..."

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