62. Sweet Dreams

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Vincenzo was laying on his bed. He was deep in thought. He had a baseball in his hand that he juggled from one hand to another or threw to the ceiling and back. He sighed as he stared at the door. Sometimes his father used to come in telling him to go to sleep when he threw the baseball around. Back in the day he was sent to bed early as punishment a lot when he was younger. He used to sleep closer to his parents room. Now he had a more private space . A room in the north wing of the mansion with more privacy and isolation that he welcomed. But he missed the past.

Vincenzo wished he could turn back time and rewind it all. He wished he could start all over and make different choices. He had not been considerate that day and he could see clearly he had made some mistakes. He had no idea about his father's past, he did not have a clue and yet he had rushed to teach his grandfather a lesson when it was his father's right to be in control. He should not have done this without consulting with his father? He just had to learn and move on.

He heard a knock on the door. It was Viggo's voice. Of course he knocked. Vincenzo didn't welcome intruders. He wasn't going to electrocute his brother if he walked in without knocking but he would have thrown a bucket of water on him most likely. Not many people disturbed him at night.

He called out "Access granted. I don't want visitors tonight Viggo but come in. See you in the morning if it can wait."

Viggo opened the door to his disappointment.

Vincenzo sighed "What do you want?" He then threw the ball at his younger brother who easily caught the ball.

Viggo said "Vitale won't stop calling."

Vincenzo was still wearing his suit in bed.  He started fiddling with his tie "Tell him to call tomorrow."

Viggo walked towards Vincenzo and put the baseball on a bedside table "You have to talk to him."

Vincenzo said "He must get used to handling the affairs when I am not around as my representative. I won't be there full time when I go college. I can only be there once a month. He needs to make some decisions by himself and then face the repercussions."

Viggo sighed as he sat on a chair facing his brother who was still lying on his bed. "He can make decisions. He wants you to go back tonight with him on his plane. The old Don is in bad shape. You must be there in case... You have to go."

Vincenzo asked "I made it clear to Vitale. I will only go back to pay my respects to the old don who is spending his final weeks, if father also goes to Sicily."

Viggo said "Father may go. I think he will go... The old don may not die anytime soon but you must be there because there is a possibility. You should not have accepted the calling to take over from him if you dont even want to be there when he could be passing away... I can't believe I am even discussing this with you. But you must go. This is some action you must take as the young don."

Vincenzo said "You can go. You can take Angelia with you."

Viggo said "No. Are you mad? Letizia near my girl? I don't like that. Vitale's girl hates my girl. I don't want to take Angelia there. Her condition will worsen."

Vincenzo said "Letizia knows to watch herself around you."

Viggo said "She may watch it around me ... But she won't watch herself around Angelia. In Sicily you know how they separate men and women in gatherings at times..."

Vincenzo said "I think abit of bad blood is healthy. Don't you think? I think Angelia is fully capable of a good face off."

Viggo said "You do have a point. But I don't want Letizia near her either way if I can avoid it... So. What should I tell Vitale? I should tell him to leave at once without you to destination Palermo?"

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